Hillary Clinton
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton is an American politician, diplomat, lawyer, writer, and public speaker -
Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body levels charges against a government official. It does not mean removal from office; it is only a statement of charges, akin to an indictment in criminal law -
Persian Gulf War
The Gulf War, codenamed Operation Desert Shield for operations leading to the buildup of troops and defense of Saudi Arabia and Operation Desert Storm in its combat phase, was a war waged by coalition -
North America Free Trade Agreement
The North American Free Trade Agreement is a treaty between Canada, Mexico and the United States. That makes NAFTA the world's largest free trade agreement. ... The three signatories agreed to remove trade barriers between them. By eliminating tariffs, NAFTA increases investment opportunities. -
Contract With America
The Contract with America was a document released by the United States Republican Party during the 1994 Congressional election campaign. ... The 1994 elections resulted in Republicans gaining 54 House and 9 U.S. Senate seats.