1990s activity gabriella wyckoff

  • 194

    People of the State of California vs O.J Simpson

    O.J sim son was accused of ex wife Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman in Los Angeles California
    The pursuit and arrest of OJ Simpson was watched by 95,000,000 people.
    The verdict of the criminal trial of .O.J sim son impacted u.s history by shaking the foundation of our justice system . A former NFL player was found not guilty of two counts of murder by reasonable doubt
  • Signing Of The American Disabilities Act

    The law was signed in 1990 by George w Bush .
    The goal was to to prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities
    It started when parents of children with disabilities began to fight against the exclusion and segregation of their children.
    The law created more employment opportunities for the disabled and no discrimination for them in public places .
  • Hurricane Andrew

    Andrew struck the Bahamas Florida and Louisiana.To date it is one of the most costliest storm to land in the untied states .
    It was a category 5 storm killing 65 people with 27,30 billion dollars in damage .
  • Black hawk down

    U.s soldiers had a mission to abduct two top lieutenants of a Somalia war load and then return to base.
    The u.s contribution would be knows as restore hope.
    President George bush authorized the dispatch

    Within 6 months the u.s had withdrawn its forces from Somalia
    The failure of the mission the u.s question intervening in African crisis
  • Signing of north America Free trade Agreement

    The sighing of the NAFTA was a trade between U.S Canada and mexico signed by bill Clinton in 1993
    Its goal was to get rid of taxes and trade restrictions between the three nations .
    When the agreement was in the making there was a lot of criticism by Ross Perot who thought employees of american companies would go to mexico and would work for less pay without Benefits.
    The agreement took affect on January 1st 1994 and successfully created the worlds largest free trade zone
  • TWA flight 800

    shortly after take off an airplane had exploded on the way to rome it crashed in the Atlantic ocean near east mo riches new york.
    230 people died in the crash
    it was the 3rd deadliest crash in u.s history
    The probable cause was an explosion of vapors in the center fuel track .
  • Murder of Jon Be Ramsey

    a 6 year old named Jon B Ramsey was murders by beaten and strangled to death
    she was found by her father and the murder had never been solved
    It was unsolved due to tampered evidence
    This happened in boulder Colorado 12/2596
  • columbine shooting

    Two teens Eric Harris who was 18 and Dylan klebold who was 17 went on killing spree at columbine high-school in little-ton co
    They killed 13 people and wounded 20

    The two teens had high mental illnesses
    this shooting caused for their to be more gun control laws.
  • Beginning of The NATO bombing in Yugoslavia

    On march 24 1999 the north Atlantic treaty organization bombed Serbian military .
    The air raids were aimed at halting whispered evidence of urban cleansing
    528 Yugoslavians civilians were killed in the air strikes.
    It was the worst outbreak in Europe since World war 2