
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    Invented by Tim Berners-Lee the World Wide Web allowed people to access files and webpages via the internet. Involved the creation of the first server. This invention revolution es the way we create and share knowledge.
  • Linux OS

    Linux OS
    First Invented by Linus Torvalds it allowed for an open source alternative to proprietary OS available such as Windows or Mac OS. It is continued to be used today especially in the server field where users are able to continue to innovate on the OS to enhance its usability and applicability.
  • Nokia Mobile Phone

    Nokia Mobile Phone
    Invented by Nokia Corporation was the first phone to use GSM network (global system for mobile communication) or “G” system. The GSM system allowed for users to maintain their same phone and phone number internationally through use of a SIM card. The ability to travel with this phone around the globe made it an extremely prolific phone and mobile phones started to pick up in use.
  • Java Programming Language

    Java Programming Language
    Invented by James Gosling the Java language is widely used in multiple areas. This adaptability makes this language widely used across websites/servers/mobile applications etc. Java powers a vast array of applications, from Android apps and websites large business systems. It is widely used in fields like finance, healthcare, and e-commerce.
  • Google Search Engine

    Google Search Engine
    Invented by Larry Page and Sergei Brin the Google search engine changed the way in which we are able to retrieve data from the World Wide Web efficiently. The company that Google has become continues to impact our lives today through other apps such as Google maps, GMail, and other sites.