1990's Technology Inventions

  • Macintosh Classic

    Macintosh Classic
    The Macintosh Classic was sold to the public in 1990. A new feature was that it was able to be booted up from 357 KB HFS and was called the "Boot Disk". It only took up 294 KB of RAM and included MacsBug and AppleShare Prep. Source: https://apple.fandom.com/wiki/Macintosh_Classic
  • Adobe Photoshop 1.0

    Adobe Photoshop 1.0
    Although the "Adobe Photoshop" software was developed in 1988 by Thomas and John Knoll, it was sold to Adobe in 1988 and the first version "Adobe Photoshop 1.0" was released in 1990 to the public. This was hugely transformative because after it's release, anyone was able to use the first image-editing software for all purposes. Source: https://filtergrade.com/history-of-photoshop-through-the-years/
  • AOL

    Formally known as Quantam Computer services, developed the first instant messaging service in 1989. In 1991, Quantam Computer services became AOL, which was then publicly released in 1992. Following in 1997, AOL Instant Messaging (AIM) was officially released. This was groundbreaking and allowed for anyone to communicate with each other through instant messages instead of e-mail. Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2015/05/12/timeline-aol-through-the-years.html
  • Text Messaging

    Text Messaging
    The first text message was sent by developer Neil Papworth to the director at Vodafone, Richard Jarvis, in 1992. It's important to note that the message was actually typed out on a PC! Because of this, it lead to text messaging later being released on the Nokia 1011 in 1994. Present day, society relies heavily on text messaging communicated through cellphone. Source: https://www.entrepreneur.com/growing-a-business/10-things-you-didnt-realize-were-invented-in-the-1990s/295683
  • Google

    The Google search engine was invented in 1998. This was huge and groundbreaking. During its invention in 1995, it was initially titled Backrub but was then changed to Google (short for googolplex). Google pioneered the way for other search engines to develop later in the future, and was the first reliable program that made research and inquiry extremely efficient, as opposed to needing to rely on books. Source: https://about.google/our-story/