
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    Four years after publishing the initial idea, The World Wide Web was made public. Created by British scientist Tim Berners-Lee, the World Wide Web was intended to help people share information with not only people but machines.
  • Personal Digital Assistant / Apple Newton

    Personal Digital Assistant / Apple Newton
    The Apple Newton was a digital assistant that could store contacts and take notes. The PDA could translate handwriting into text and even send faxes. It was invented by then CEO John Scully but was ultimately scrapped by Steve Jobs upon his return to Apple in 1997. While Newton was not one of Apple's greatest hits it was a stepping stone for technological development down the line like the iPad and iPhone.
  • Sony Playstation

    Sony Playstation
    Created by Japanese Businessman Ken Kutaragi, the Playstation game console was released in Japan in December of 1994. The Playstation was a trailblazer for arcade-style gaming and ushered out an era of toys for the new era of video games.
  • Tamagotchi

    The Tamagotchi was the baby of Japanese Inventors Aki Maita and Yokoi Akihiro. The Tamagotchi was a handheld portal to another world where users nurtured and fed their own aliens from outer space. The Tamagotchi became so popular because unlike other games at the time, the whole premise appealed to the human instincts' urge to care for other living things.
  • Google

    Google was invented by Larry Page and Sergey Brin who were Ph.D. students. Google took individual links on the World Wide Web and connected them to a search engine. At the time of its development no one could have foretold the importance of such a tool but today Google is the #1 search engine in the world and gives its users access to a plethora of information right at their fingertips.