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  • Intel’s Touchstone Delta supercomputer system comes online

    Intel’s Touchstone Delta supercomputer system comes online
    It has 512 processors that all operate independently. It has 32 gigaflops. One gigaflop is 32 billion floating point operations per second. This was used for projects such as real-time processing of satellite images.
  • PowerBook series of laptops was introduced

    PowerBook series of laptops was introduced
    The PowerBooks introduced featured a built-in trackball, internal floppy drive, and palm rests. The PowerBook 100 was the original, the PowerBook 140 had a larger memory, the PowerBook 170 had an active matrix display, faster processor, as well as a floating point unit.
  • Text messaging was invented

    Text messaging was invented
    The first text was sent in 1992 from a computer to a phone. The text massage said "Merry Christmas". This is back when you had to pay for each text you sent.
  • Playstation was invented

    Playstation was invented
    It had a CD-ROM format which made the games more realistic and complex. It took video gaming to another level. Before video games were more for kids but Playstation was for all ages. They also made games that were meant for adults. Over 100 million units were sold.
  • Tickle Me Elmo

    Tickle Me Elmo
    400,000 tickle me Elmo's were sold. Everyone wanted one and they quickly sold out. Some people would buy them and then sell them for more money, that's how popular they were.
  • MP3 Players

    MP3 Players
    The MP3 was created from a small South Korean company. It had 64 MB of memory, which at the time was enough to hold 18 songs. This was the first way ever that someone approached music in this way.
  • DVDs

    The first DVD was made on March 31, 1997. It could store software, data, software, and video files. They’re the same size as CDs but have a much high storage capacity. DVD's were a huge upgrade from VHS's
  • Google was invented

    Google was invented
    Google was started in 1996 as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google used PageRank, a new technology that determined the importance of pages using backlinks. Google was originally called BackRub. It was still the most popular and most used search engine.