1990-Current Ag timeline

  • First Cloned Animal

    First Cloned Animal
    The Human Genome Project made this possible. Dolly the Sheep was the first successfully cloned animal.
  • Food Safety Regulation

    Food Safety Regulation
    Many people had been getting sick or were dying from foods that were uncooked or had something in them that was not safe to eat. President Bill Clinton launched the "President's Food Safety Initiative" to regulate food production to improve the safety of the foods people were eating.
  • The New Millennium

    The New Millennium
    The year of 2000, food and agriculture contributed 1.3 trillion dollars (13%) to the American Gross Domestic Product. They also employed 9% of the labor force.
  • Population and Productivity

    Population and Productivity
    2000's: One farmer supplied enough food for 139 people.
    number of farms was 2,128,982 with 55,311,236 acres
  • First DNA Genome Sequencing of Plants

    First DNA Genome Sequencing of Plants
    The flowering mustard (Arabidopsis thaliana) was the first plant to have its DNA sequenced. Research indicated plants are more complex then originally thought.
  • First Cloned Pigs

    First Cloned Pigs
    Five females cloned pigs were born at PPL Therapeutics laboratory (Blacksburg, VA) Similar technique used to create Dolly the Sheep.
  • Drought

    An Agricultural Disaster was declared for Alabama, Florida, Nebraska and New Mexico because of drought. This allowed farmers to get water for their livestock, use Conservation Reserve Program for land for livestock, and help farmers with anything they lost due to the drought. It was concluded that this was the worst drought in 800 years.
  • Secretary of Agriculture

    Secretary of Agriculture
    In 2001, President George W. Bush appointed Ann M. Veneman to be the Secretary of Agriculture. Veneman was the first woman to hold this position. She was the 27th Secretary of Agriculture.
  • Cows with GPS

    Cows with GPS
    GPS collars were made to see where cows liked to graze. They also tracked movements and are being used to better understand why cattle graze in certain areas.
  • Hypoallergenic Peanut

    Hypoallergenic Peanut
    USDA researchers discovered that a variety of peanuts don't have a major allergen. They are hoping that a hypoallergenic peanut can be created. Over 1.5 million Americans have a peanut allergy, some even fatal.
  • Apple Coating

    Apple Coating
    The Agriculture Research Service created an edible coating to keep apples fresh after you have sliced them. Places like restaurants and schools used this to keep the apples from browning. The coating is made of calcium and vitamin C and preserve the apple for up to 28 days.
  • Chicken Feather Flower Pots

    Chicken Feather Flower Pots
    Around 4 billion pounds of chicken feathers are discarded every year. Walter Schmidt and Masud Huda created a flower pot made of chicken feathers. It biodegrades in 1-5 years and adds nitrogen to the soil.