1990-2000 Technology Progression

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  • First SMS Text Message

    First SMS Text Message
    Neil Papworth sent the first SMS text message by computer to his boss, Richard Jarvis with the message "Merry Christmas". At the time, Papworth was working as a test engineer for Sema Group. Today, billions of SMS text messages are sent each day. With the development of social media and other cross-messaging apps, people are starting to rely more on those than text.
  • Amazon is Founded

    Amazon is Founded
    Jeff Bezos began the site initially as a place to buy books. Today, it has become one of the most innovative companies to exist. Amazon has paved the way for e-commerce in a lot of ways and it's now the primary form of commerce in the US.
  • Nintendo 64 is Invented

    Nintendo 64 is Invented
    Nintendo developed the home gaming console and was first released in Japan. Kids all over the world wanted to get their hands on one. Today, Nintendo has developed a long line of consoles that have changed the world of gaming.
  • Google is Founded

    Google is Founded
    Google was launched by Larry Page and Sergey Brin under the motto, "Don't be evil" (was only removed from their code of conduct in 2018). It is now the leading search engine on the internet.
  • Apple AirPort Base Station is Released

    Apple AirPort Base Station is Released
    Founded by Steve Jobs, Apple has been a leading innovator in recreating technology to be more appealing. With the AirPort Base Station, iBook owners could use the internet without being tethered. Today, it's known as Wi-Fi which is incredibly important and allows us to use our devices without being physically tethered.