Back to the 90s

1990-2000 Decade Timeline Assignment

  • 1990 - Hubble Space Telescope Placed In Orbit

    1990 - Hubble Space Telescope Placed In Orbit
    The Hubble Space Telescope, more often referred to as Hubble, was launched into orbit and remains in operation to this day. From "Edwin Hubble, for whom the Hubble Telescope is named, used the largest telescope of his day in the 1920s at the Mt. Wilson Observatory near Pasadena, Calif., to discover galaxies beyond our own." The Hubble launch marked the most significant advance in astronomy since Galileo's telescope.
  • 1990 - Iraq Invades Kuwait

    1990 - Iraq Invades Kuwait
    The invasion of Kuwait by Iraq lead to the Gulf War that lasted 43 according to The emir of Kuwait, his family, and those of their defense fled to Saudi Arabia for protection. The reasoning behind Kuwait's invasion was for Iraq put in a bid to gain more control over the lucrative supply of oil in the Middle East. The invasion of Kuwait lasted 7 months.
  • 1991 - Gulf War

    1991 - Gulf War
    The Persian Gulf War was triggered by Leader Saddam Hussein's decision to invade Kuwait to gain more power over their oil supply, this lead to the United Nations canceling all trade and business with Iraq. The war posed stress on Saudi Arabia as well which requires the United States and it's western European NATO allies to rush to Saudi Arabia's aid in defending their land as well.
  • 1991 - Oakland Hills Firestorm

    1991 - Oakland Hills Firestorm
    Tragedy of 1991, Oakland Hills Firestorm killed 25 people and destroys 3469 homes and apartments. The fire started on October, 19th and was addressed as soon as possible by local firefighters. By that Saturday the fire appeared to be under control. Unfortunately the fire re-ignited on Sunday October, 20th as a bush fire and spreading to the nearby Parkwoods Apartments located next to the Caldecott Tunnel after quickly overwhelming the fire police.
  • 1992 - Los Angeles Riots

    1992 - Los Angeles Riots
    The devastating Los Angeles uprising, as it has been referred, was a series of riots that killed 50-60 people and caused nearly 1 billion dollars in damage. According to Wikipedia, " Koreatown, where the bulk of the rioting in South Central Los Angeles occurred, received disproportionately more damage than surrounding areas."
  • 1992 - Hurricane Andrew

    1992 - Hurricane Andrew
    Hurricane Andrew was a devastating category 5 hurricane that hit Florida, The Bahamas, and Louisiana. 65 people tragically lost their lives that day in the 174 mph winds of Hurricane Andrew.
  • 1992 - U.S. Presidential Election

    1992 - U.S. Presidential Election
    Democratic Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas, Republican President George H. W. Bush, and independent businessman Ross Perot of Texas all faced off to win the 52nd quadrennial presidential election. This was the first time there was a major third party candidate. This election was unusual specifically for Bill Clinton being a southern democrat that was so well spoken.
  • 1993 - Bill Clinton Becomes President

    1993 - Bill Clinton Becomes President
    Bill Clinton was a very unexpected candidate in the 52nd Presidential Election. He was well educated and a governor twice elected for Arkansas. His ability to speak smoothly to his audience made him very easy to trust and believe.
  • 1993 - 9/11 Plane Hijackings

    1993 - 9/11 Plane Hijackings
    The World Trade Center Bombing was undoubtedly one of the biggest terrorist attacks that America has ever endured. Killing almost 3,000 people. The World Trade Center was just one of three plane hijackings. There was the Pentagon, and the plane that went down in a field in Pennsylvania due to the brave passengers on board the flight at the time. It was a horrible event that in the end did bring America closer than its ever been before.
  • 1994 - North American Free Trade Agreement

    1994 - North American Free Trade Agreement
    The North American Free Trade Agreement (or NAFTA) resulted in the elimination or reduction of barriers to trade and investment between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. (Wikipedia, North American Free Trade Agreement)
  • 1994 - Northridge Earthquake

    1994 - Northridge Earthquake
    The 94 Northridge Earthquake was a 6.7 magnitude quake that lasted 10-20 seconds according to Britannica "Northridge Earthquake 1994" article. The quake killed 57 people in the Los Angeles area and caused 20 billion dollars in damages.
  • 1995 - Oklahoma City bombing

    1995 - Oklahoma City bombing
    168 people died in the Oklahoma City Bombing and a whopping 680+ were injured. It was a domestic terrorist truck attack.
  • 1995 - TWA flight 800

    1995 - TWA flight 800
    The TWA flight 800 was a Boeing 747-100 that exploded and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean due to a tank explosion. All 230 passengers and crew were killing in the accident.
  • 1996 - Khobar Towers bombing

    1996 - Khobar Towers bombing
    The bombing was a terrorist attack on part of a housing complex in the city of Khobar according to the Wikipedia article Khobar Towers bombing. "In all, 19 U.S. Air Force personnel were killed and 498 of many nationalities were wounded." Also from Wikipedia.
  • 1996 - Centennial Olympic Park bombing

    1996 - Centennial Olympic Park bombing
    Astonishingly, 2 deaths were reported in the domestic terrorist pipe bombing attack in Centennial Park and 111 people were injured.
  • 1996 - U.S. Presidential Election

    1996 - U.S. Presidential Election
    Bill Clinton one his second presidential election against former senate majority leader Bob Dole.
  • 1997 - President Clinton Research on Human Cloning.

    1997 - President Clinton Research on Human Cloning.
    On March 5, 1997, President Bill Clinton banned any and all research on human cloning. This also included the cloning of animals for important biochemical research.
  • 1998 - U.S. Embassy Bombings

    1998 - U.S. Embassy Bombings
    Nearly 200 people were killed in simultaneous truck bombings outside the U.S. embassies in both Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya.
  • 1999 - President Bill Clinton is Acquitted in Impeached Trial

    1999 - President Bill Clinton is Acquitted in Impeached Trial
    President Bill Clinton was acquitted on both counts as neither received the necessary two-thirds majority vote of the senators present for conviction and removal from office (Wikipedia, Impeachment of Bill Clinton) His Impeachment took place on December 19, 1998.
  • 1999 - Egyptian Air Flight 990

    1999 - Egyptian Air Flight 990
    The Egyptian Air Flight 990 crashed on October 31st 1999 killing all 216 passengers on board. According to the Wikipedia article "EgyptAir Flight 990" "Two weeks after the crash... the evidence...[the FBI] collected suggested that a criminal act had taken place, and that the crash was intentional rather than accidental."