Fashions and Fads
Fitness and working out became a popular activity to do during this decade -
Inventions and scintific discoveries
world wide web was invented -
Period: to
Desert Storm
Hussein accuses Kuwait on 17 July of oil overproduction and theft of oil from the Rumailia Oil Field. -
Fashion and Fads
Cellular phones and beepers became a big fad in the 1990's. When these phones first came on the market, the average cost was $1,000.00. You can buy a cellular phone for less than $100.00 now. People felt more comfortable traveling on the roads and elsewhere having this new technology. -
Desert Storm
On 25 July US Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, tells Hussien that the Iraq/Kuwaitt dispute is an Arab matter, not one that affects the United States. -
Desert Storm
Hussein invades Kuwait on August 2. President Bush freezes Iraqi and Kuwatti assets. The United Nations calls on Hussien to withdraw. -
Desert Storm
Economic sanctions are authorized. -
Desert Storm
Secretery of Defense Cheny visits Suadi Arabia. The 82nd Airborne and several fighter squadrons are dispatched. -
Desert Storm
Iraq annexes Kuwait -
Desert Storm
The USA announces intrediction program of Irai shipping. -
Desert Storm
President Bush authorizes call up of reserves. -
Desert Storm
Military interdiction authorized by the UN -
Desert Storm
Iraqi forces storm a number of diplomatic missions in Kuwait City. -
Desert Storm
Bush orders aditional deployments to give "offensive option" to US forces. -
Desert Storm
45 Democrats file suit in Washington to have President Bush first seek Congressional approval of military operations. (eventually thrown out) -
Desert Storm
First US government statement of Operation Desert-Storm made.
Marlin Fitzwater announces, "The liberation of Kuwait has begun..." The air war started Jan 17 at 2:38 a.m. (local time) or January 16 at 6:38PM EST due to an 8 hour time difference, with an Apache helicopter attack. US warplanes attack Baghdad, Kuwait and other military targets in Iraq. -
Desert Storm
First US combat forces return home. -
Fahion and Fads
There were many fashions in the nineties. One of these fashions were Nike Air Jordans. Air Jordans were cool gym sneakers that were advertised by Michael Jordan. -
Famouse People
Bill Clinton 42nd President of the United States in office -
Super Bowl XXVII was won by the Cowboys -
Super Bowl XXVIII was won by the Cowboys -
Inventions and scientific discoveries
The Java Script was invinted. -
political people
George Walker Bush46th Governor of Texas In office January 17, 1995 – December 21, 2000 -
Famose people
madonna, backstreet boys, n'snyc, olsen twins. britney spears
were born in the 90's -
Famouse People
Eminem started singing -
Super Bowl XXX were won by the Cowboys -
Invetions and scientific dicoveries
The fuel-powered gas cell was invented