
By raemads
  • Adobe Photoshop

    Adobe Photoshop
    Invented by John Knoll
    This invention is something that I personally use when doing photography and other digital editing. It's something that is very handy and useful to many people in different fields.
  • Sony Playstation

    Sony Playstation
    Invented by Sony engineer, Ken Kutaragi.
    This invention changed and enhanced many of our childhoods'. Being able to use a controller rather than a computer mouse.
  • First Flip Phone

    First Flip Phone
    Invented and released by Motorola StarTAC.
    This changed the lives for many, making calling much more convenient and accessible.
  • DVD Player

    DVD Player
    Invented by the Sony Corporation. The DVD offered better quality than the VHS tape, was convenient, and was more durable.
  • Google

    Founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
    Google has become a massive platform that is used my millions, everyday. This search engine has changed the way that research is done and published.