Education, Technology and Generational Timepoints

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    Millenial Generation

    Generation born between the years 1981-1996 who were involved in the internet explosion and adapted to instant communication whereas previous generation were involved in computer development. As adults, witnessed the first black U.S. president and the effects of political polarization shaped by a recession in the workforce. Often associated with a sense of immediate gratification and a sense of entitlement.
  • A Nation at Risk

    Landmark report regarding failing schools producing national initiatives including forming National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (Secretary of Education speech Bill Bennett -- Reagan Administration)
  • University of Phoenix

    First fully online bachelor and master programs delivered
  • WorldWideWeb

    The beginnings of the Internet as developed by software engineer Berners-Lee at CERN (a physics particle laboratory in Switzerland) who also wrote the code for 'http', 'URL' and 'HTML' in web browsing.

    North American Free Trade signed between Canada, Mexico, and the United States went into effect in 1994 positing an increase in jobs, while reducing tariffs if not eliminating some tariffs between the three countries increasing trade. Critics claim production moved out of the U.S. reducing economic prosperity.
  • Windows 95 Software

    Although 1985 launched Windows 1.1, Windows 95 processing speed used 32 bit and provided clarity in work processing skills. Windows 10 was released in 2014.
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    Generation Z

    The generation of people born 1997-2015 who were 10 years old when the smartphone was invented and have been in constant communication via social media, have on demand entertainment, and wifi for increased online searches. Further, the youngest of this group was only 4 when 9/11 happened but is more accepting of diverse populations than previous groups and more accepting of ways society is changing.
  • Columbine

    School shooting in Colorado predisposing since, unfortunately, an increased number of school shootings especially during the years 2013-2014.
  • 9/11

    U.S. soil invaded by terrorist extremist group al Qaeda leading to 2003 Iraq war and subsequent military and funding push to decrease terrorist operations across the world
  • NCLB

    NCLB is a G.W. Bush Administration education initiative, signed into law January 2002, replacing ESEA that increased school accountability, testing requirements and school penalties if annual yearly progress in learning was not met.
  • Iraq Invasion

    Invasion of Iraq contributing to ongoing terrorist war
  • Retirement and Healthcare changes

    The life of the retirement portfolio falls from pension like savings from businesses to annuity 401(k)'s. Starting in the late 1980's, changes in choice for health insurance also occurred with HMO's and PPOs.
  • Smart Phone

    The iPhone introduction explodes methods of communication and interaction and searching for knowledge. The 12th version of iPhone to be released October 2020.
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    Called the Great Recession, an economic downturn that caused a housing bubble burst and damage to financial institutions
  • President Barack Obama

    First black U.S. President elected and while in office provided flexibility to NCLB in creation of 2015 ESSA (restoring some cuts to federal education programs), witnessed the most school shootings in history, and helped with military operation finding and killing Osama bin Laden, responsible for 9/11, May 2011.
  • ESSA

    Every Student Succeeds Act signed by President Obama to prepare all students to high academic achievements in college and careers, protecting all disadvantaged students, showcasing information on student success rates,
  • WV Teachers Strike

    Teachers strike regarding lowest wages in the nation and benefits to retirement including reducing sharp increases in health insurance costs spurring other states to reevaluate teacher worth