1 CE
The Prostitute
Winston starts to write about his experience with a prostitute. The practice of sex is heavily frowned upon and discouraged except under certain circumstances. In most cases It's illegal. -
Winston then talks about a woman named Katharine. Katharine is Winston's wife but they're separated. This is due to Katharine being incapable of free thought and everything she does is controlled by the party. Also she didn't want to have kids and she hated sex -
Katharine Pt 2
Winston recalls that it's been 11 years since they've separated. He compares having sex with Katharine to having sex with a prostitute because it's not out of love. Katharine only agreed to once a week because of her loyalty to the party. -
Winston sees sex as the ultimate form as rebellion. The Party currently wants citizens to hate sex and to only do it for reproducing. They state that sex should be "joyless". Winston feels as if that having sex for pleasure would break down all the control The Party has on people and their relationships.