winston goes home early from work
winston goes home early from work. -
winston writes in his journal for the first time, which is a thoguht crime.
winston writes in his journal for the first time, which is a thoguht crime. -
the party cuts the number of rations people can use for chocolate
winston has his firsat dream about his mother and sister.
winston is told that he has to rewrite the times and edit anything the party wants him to.
winston invents a war hero named comrade ogilvy
parson's daughter reports a man she thinks is a spy.
winston makes love to an old prostitute which is against party rules.
winston gets his first note from julia that says "i love u"
winston is forced to falsify production quotas for the party.
winston meets julia at victory gardens where they hold hands together
winston meets julia in the woods and they make love together.
syme is vaporized by the party for being too smart.
o'brien talks to winston and offers him the newest edition of newspeak dictionary.
winston goes and picks up a goldstein's manifesto.
o'brien turns out to be with the thoguht police and arrests winston and julia.
winston is taken to a windowless cell that he thinks is in the ministry of love.
ampleforth is thrown in jail with winston for putting the word god in a poem, but is soon moved.
parson is put in jail with winston because his daughter told the police that he said 'down with big brother" in his sleep.
2713 bumstead J. is then placed in with him and when winston offers him some bread bumstead is taken to room 101
winston begins being tortured and brainwashed by o'brien.
winston is sent to room 101 where vicious rats are waiting there to eat winston.
winston tells them to let the rats eat julia instead of him.
winston is finally realeased from jail after being brainwashed.
winston believes that he really does love big brother and becomes a party member.