
  • Period: to

    1980s: A decade of technological advances

    Five significant technological advances from the 1980s
  • First Flight of the Space Shuttle

    First Flight of the Space Shuttle
    Space shuttles allowed for satellites to be placed in orbit and used for all manner of technological advancements. They were an advancement themselves, having come along way from single use space travel.
  • Compact Disks Became Commercially Available.

    Compact Disks Became Commercially Available.
    Norio Ohga was the Chief Executive of Sony and had a lot to do with the invention of the compact disk. It took a long time to catch on, but digital music was the way of the future. Transitioning from analog sources to digital was instrumental in that change.
  • Apple IIe was introduced.

    Apple IIe was introduced.
    Created by Apple, the Apple IIe took the Apple II and made it better. It was more accessible and backwards compatible. This was one of the computers that led to the personal computer being accessible to ordinary people
  • Nintendo Entertainment System is brought to America.

    Nintendo Entertainment System is brought to America.
    Created by Uemura Masayuki initially as the Famicon, it wasn't until it was redesigned and brought to America that the Nintendo Entertainment System was really born. It has led to more game systems and games being produced even almost 40 years later.
  • Gameboy was invented.

    Gameboy was invented.
    Gunpei Yokoi is credited with the idea of the Gameboy. This idea let people take games with them. A thing people still do today with their tablets and smartphones.