1970's technology Inventions

  • Floppy Disk

    Floppy Disk
    The Floppy Disk, created by IBM, was one of the first to save electronic data. It was revolutionary and was an essential to computers It eventually died down to thumb drives and the cloud.
  • Pong the Video Game

    Pong the Video Game
    Pong, invented by Nolan Bushnell, was one of the first arcades to gain popularity. It was a simple game, bouncing a ball back and forth and led the way for other popular games like Pac Man.
  • The first Cellphone

    The first Cellphone
    The "Brick", as it was called due to its weight, was released in the 1970's. Created by Martin Cooper, it was the first of its kind in the United States and paved the way for the future of technology with cellular devices.
  • First Digital Camera

    First Digital Camera
    The first electronic camera was invented in the 1970s by Steven Sasson. There were so many different kinds of cameras invented before but this was revolutionary because it lead the way to so many other kinds of cameras that took place afterwards.
  • The Sony Walkman

    The Sony Walkman
    The Walkman was one of the first portable listening devices introduced in America invented by Nobutoshi Kihara. It was popularized shortly after its release in the 1980s, but also gave way to many popular music devices like the cd player and iPod.