1980-2001 US History

  • Ronald Reagan inaugurated as President

    Ronald Reagan inaugurated as President
    Ronald Reagan inaugurated as the 40th President of the United States
  • Iran releases hostages

    Iran releases hostages
    Iran releases US hostages that were taken in November of the previous year
  • Space Shuttle Challenger incident

    Space Shuttle Challenger incident
    Space Shuttle Challenger blows up during accent due to fuel escaping past the o-ring on one of the boosters of the rocket
  • Tear down this wall speech

    Tear down this wall speech
    Ronald Reagan give speech at Berlin Wall telling Gorbachevian to tear down the Berlin Wall.
  • George H. W. Bush sr. inaugurated as President

    George H. W. Bush sr. inaugurated as President
    George H. W. Bush sr. inaugurated as the 41st President of the United States
  • Gulf war begins

    Gulf war begins
    A coalition of 35 forces, mainly American, launch an offensive against Iraq in response to their invasion of Kuwait
  • Bill Clinton inaugurated as President

    Bill Clinton inaugurated as President
    Bill Clinton inaugurated as the 42nd President of the United States

    The North American Free Trade Agreement comes into effect which was a trade agreement between the US, Canada and Mexico
  • Oklahoma city bombing

    Oklahoma city bombing
    Domestic terrorist attack committed by anti-government extremists which resulted in the deaths of over 160 people
  • 1998 bombing of Iraq

    1998 bombing of Iraq
    A major four day bombing campaign on Iraqi targets due to their failure to comply with UN security council resolutions.
  • George W. Bush inaugurated as President

    George W. Bush inaugurated as President
    George W. Bush inaugurated as the 43rd President of the United States
  • 9/11 attacks

    9/11 attacks
    Al-Qaeda terrorists hijack 4 airplanes and fly them into the world trade center and the pentagon. This event prompted many of the foreign and domestic policies the US has made since then.