
By tb2019
  • Space shuttle "Columbia" launched

    This is the date of launch for the first reusable orbiter (shuttle), Columbia, or OV-102. Its launch site was Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The shuttle was flown on 28 missions, ending with a tragic accident during reentry, which killed the seven passengers.
  • Space shuttle "Challenger" launched

    NASA's Challenger space shuttle was launched on this date. It would fly on ten missions, until its failure in 1986. Oddly, the spacecraft experienced many problems prior to its first launch that were remarkably similar to its point of failure.
    Source: https://www.nasa.gov/centers/kennedy/shuttleoperations/orbiters/challenger-info.html
  • Space shuttle "Challenger" destroyed

    Space shuttle "Challenger" ignited while reentering the atmosphere, killing all seven passengers. The failure was caused by fuel tank damage during launch. Debris was found throughout several states, including Texas.
  • The Persian Gulf War begins

    This date is the start of the first U.S. led battle during the Persian Gulf War, Operation Desert Storm. This war would continue until 2003, at which point a second war, The Iraq War would begin. It appears that there was no official ending to the Persian Gulf War, in part because the U.S. never declared war to begin with.
    Sources: https://www.history.com/news/history-vault-operation-desert-storm
  • Operation Desert Storm ends

    This marks the ending date of Operation Desert Storm, the first battle during the Persian Gulf War.
    Source: https://www.history.com/news/history-vault-operation-desert-storm
  • USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev resigns

    Mikhail Gorbachev resigned on this date following a political coup.
    Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38289333
  • Official Collapse of the Soviet Union

    This is the symbolic ending of the Soviet Union. However, it has been suspected that Gorbachev's "perestroika" or restructuring of the Soviet Union only reintroduced it under a new title.
  • Windows 3.1 released

    Considered a major advancement from the previous operating systems, Windows 3.1 was supported by Microsoft Corporation until 2008. It made use of a graphic desktop environment and improved speed and operating dexterity compared to previous systems.
  • Ruby Ridge attack

    Started because of an ATF operation to find illegal firearms, an 11-day battle between the FBI and U.S. marshals against Randy Weaver ensued. Accused of failing to appear in court, Weaver was told the hearing was scheduled for 1 month later then the correct date. An FBI sniper killed Weaver's wife while she was hiding behind a door, and his son was shot during a gun fight with U.S. marshals.
    Source: https://www.britannica.com/event/Ruby-Ridge
  • 1992 U.S. Presidential Election

    Democratic Candidate: Bill Clinton (370 elec.,44M pop.)
    Republican Incumbent: George Bush (168 elec.,39M pop.)
    Independent Candidate: Ross Perot (19M popular votes)
    Democrat Bill Clinton and his running mate, Al Gore, won the election. Interestingly, both the Socialist Workers and the Populist Parties had candidates during this election.
  • Waco Siege

    On this date, a Branch Davidians (religious cult)community was attacked by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. For 51 days, people inside the compound defended themselves violently instead of obeying the ATF's demands. A large scale attack was latter launched by the FBI with tanks and potentially flammable tear gas. Shortly after the attack, the compound caught on fire, killing 76 people.
    Source: https://www.history.com/topics/1990s/waco-siege
  • The North American Free Trade Agreement

    This was a trade agreement between the United States, Mexico, and Canada, eliminating many tariffs and regulations.
  • Oklahoma City bombing

    An explosion killing 168 people and injuring 500 or more was denoted outside of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The bomb was placed by Timothy McVeigh--who was later executed--and Terry Nichols--an accomplice who afterwards was sentenced to life in prison.
    Sources: https://www.britannica.com/event/Oklahoma-City-bombing
  • 1996 U.S. Presidential Election

    Democratic Incumbent: Bill Clinton (379 elec.,47M pop.)
    Republican Candidate: Bob Dole (159 elec.,39M pop.)
    Reform Candidate: Ross Perot (8M popular votes)
    President Bill Clinton was reelected, along with his vice president, Al Gore. There were a total of 9 parties running this year, including the Green, Libertarian, U.S. Taxpayers, Natural Law, Workers World, and Peace and Freedom parties.
    Source: https://www.britannica.com/event/United-States-presidential-election-of-1996
  • Paula Jones lawsuit

    President Clinton was accused of sexual harassment by a former Arkansas state employee, Paula Jones. Also, during this case, certain stipulations to the ability to raise a lawsuit against a president while in office were questioned.
  • President Clinton impeached by Congress

    This is considered the second impeachment in U.S. history. The original investigation was prompted by an affair with Monica Lewinsky, which Clinton denied. However, later evidence showed that he did in fact have an affair, bringing charges of perjury and obstruction of justice against the president. Neither of the proposed charges found the 2/3rds vote required for impeachment.
    Source: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/president-clinton-impeached
  • President Clinton acquitted by the U.S. Senate

    With a two-thirds vote required for impeachment, Clinton's charge of obstruction of justice received a 50/50 vote, and perjury received a 55/45 vote, both of which decided that Clinton was not guilty of either crime.
  • Y2K

    Y2K, or Year Two-Thousand, describes a panic which threatened many Americans. With the advent of computer systems, a bug affecting the date changeover to the new year risked causing banking and other crucial systems to fail. Because of this, many people feared a complete crash of banking and stock markets, which could have triggered another Great Depression. Luckily, the fears were drastically exaggerated, and no severe effects occurred.
  • 2000 U.S. Presidential Election

    Republican Candidate: George Bush (271 electoral votes, 50.4M popular)
    Democratic Candidate: Al Gore (266(+/- 1) electoral votes, 50.9M popular)
    George Bush won the election against Al Gore, who was the former VP under Clinton. Bush's win was questioned due to faulty voting practice in Florida, but the Supreme Courts of Florida and the U.S. rulings resulted in Bush's win.
    Source: https://www.britannica.com/event/United-States-presidential-election-of-2000
  • 9/11 Terrorist attacks

    Perhaps the most deadly terrorist attacks in the history of the United States, two hijacked planes flew into the side of the World Trade Center's Twin Towers in New York City, NY; one into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.; and another hijacked plane was crashed in Shanksville, PA. after its passengers entered the cockpit to prevent hitting its intended target.
    Sources: https://timeline.911memorial.org/#Timeline/2