1980-2001 Am. Hist

  • Ronald Reagan Elected President

    Ronald Reagan is elected the 40th US President.
  • Challenger Explodes

    The Challenger Space Shuttle explodes only 73 seconds after lift off killing 7 people including a school teacher.
  • Tax Reform Act Passed

    The Tax Reform of 1986 passed referred to Reagan Tax cuts.
  • Cold War Ends

    Bush declares the Cold War to be over.
  • USSR is Dissolved

    The USSR is dissolved, ending the Cold War.
  • Bill Cinton Elected President

    Bill Clinton is elected the 42nd US President.
  • Clinton Acquited

    Bill Clinton is found not guilty in the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
  • George W. Bush Elected President

    George W Bush inaugurated as the 43rd US President.
  • 9/11

    Terrorists hijack 4 airplanes and crash them into the Pentagon and the twin towers of the World Trade Center. This kick starts attacks on Afghanistan's Taliban and Al-Quaeda in the War on Terrorism.