
  • Ronal Reagan Elected

    Reagan overwhelmingly wins the election
  • Ronald Reagan almost assassinated

    Reagan survives a shot in the chest (an assassination attempt)
  • First female Supreme Court associate justice

    Sandra Day O'Connor is approved unanimously to become the first women on the Supreme Court
  • Unemployment Rises

    The Unemployment rate peaks at nearly 10% for the first time in decades
  • Social Security System

    Reagan takes action to save the Social Security System from bankruptcy
  • First female astronaut (American)

    Sally Ride becomes the first American woman in space
  • First female Vice President

    Geraldine Ferraro becomes the first female Vice President candidate in history
  • Windows Operating System released

    First version of Windows operating system is released to the public
  • MLK Day recognized

    MLK Day is recognized as a national holiday
  • Unemployment Lowers

    Economic growth peaks while the unemployment rate is lower than ever