
  • Mount St. Helens Erupts

    The last eruption was in 1857.
  • John Lennon's Assassination

    A fan assassinated the former member of the Beatles, John Lennon. Killed by Mark David Chapman.
  • Jimmy Carter's Presidency

    Begins his term in 1977
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    Ronald Reagan's Presidency

  • Failed Attempted Assassination on President Reagan

    John Hinckley Jr. attempted to assassinate President Reagan, but failed.
  • U.S. Invasion of Grenada

    Reagan sends American Troops into Grenada to protect U.S. citizens and prevent the Soviet and Cuban government from making Grenada a base.
  • Nintendo releases it's first Gaming consule

  • The Challenger Explodes

    Broadcasted on the news, NASA releases the Challenger, but sadly it explodes.
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    George Bush's Presidency

  • The Berlin Wall Falls

    East and West Germany is united once again.
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    The Gulf War

    Led by the United States, we became involved when Iraq invaded Kuwait.
  • Operation Desert Storm

    After Iraq refused to withdraw from Kuwait, the U.S. intercepted.
  • The Fall of the Soviet Union

    The Cold War finally ends with an American victory.
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    Bill Clinton's Presidency

  • Oklahoma City Bombing

    A domestic terrorist bomb attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building.
  • George W. Bush's Presidency

    Takes over for Bill Clinton, only to end his term in 2009
  • 9/11

    Terrorist attacks were set on the World Trade Center (Twin Towers), the Pentagon, and the White House. Thousands of people are killed and travel is forever changed in the U.S. The force who caused this, was the terrorist group, Al- Qaeda, where they hijacked planes that would go into the buildings.
  • War on Terror

    After the terrorist attack, the United States declares war. To which they fought alongside of Britain, France, and Russia.