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    President Jimmy Carter

  • Attempted Assassination on President Ronald Reagan

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    President Ronald Reagan

  • The Strategic Defense Initiative

    This was President Reagan's plan to shoot Russian Nuclear missiles from space.
  • Oprah Winfrey

    Oprah Winfrey started her talk show.
  • AIDS Memorial Quilt

    This quilt was made to remember those who died from AIDS.
  • The Tax Reform Act

    This act issued under President Ronald Reagan lowered taxes and simplified them to remove loopholes.
  • Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty

    The U.S. and Soviet Union signed this treaty to reduce their nuclear weapons count.
  • Berlin Wall Torn Down

    The Berlin wall that separated the east and west halves of Berlin was torn down.
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    President George Bush

  • Soviet Union Dissolves

    The Soviet Union went bankrupt and had no choice but to dissolve.
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    President William J. Clinton