
  • Challenger Crash

    Challenger Crash
    The space shuttle Challenger exploded during lift off, killing everyone on board including the school teacher Christa McAuliffe.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    On a visit to Europe, Ronald Reagan states that Gorbachev should tear down the Berlin Wall.
  • Signing of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    Signing of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
    Agreement between US and USSR; it limited ground intermidiate range nuclear weapons.
  • 1988 Presidental Election

    1988 Presidental Election
    George H.W. Bush wins 426-111 taking 40 states and becoming President of the United States.
  • Malta Summit

    Malta Summit
    George H.W. Bush meet Mikhail Gorbechev to discuss the Cold War at the Malta Summit.
  • USSR is Dissolved

    USSR is Dissolved
    The Cold War is officially over after the USSR is dissolved.
  • Columbine

    The fourth deadliest school shooting in US history. There are 15 people killed total which includes the shooters.
  • 9/11

    Four airplanes were hijacked and two destroyed the twin towers in NYC, the third one crashed into the Pentagon, and the fourth plane was crahed in a field in PA after passenges on board took over the aircraft.