Recession ends, congress approves Nafta treaty
CIA organizes contra war Nicaragua's Sandinista government
The U.S. backed and supported right wing rebels -
U.s invasio of Grenada
Terrorist attack in Beirut
239 Marines die in Beirut terrorist attack -
Reagan defeats Mondale by Landslide, Congress bars military aid to contra
William Rehnquist becomes chief justice of supreme court, Antonin Scalia joins supreme court
George Bush elected president
Oliver North convicted of Iran-Contra role, U.S. invades Panama, Berlin wall is opened
Recession Begins, Soviet withdraws troops from Eastern Europe
Gulf war, U.S and USSR sign treaty reducing nuclear arms
Roe vs. wade, Bill Clinton elected president
World trade center bombed
Bill Clinton impeached by house of representatives
George w. Bush elected president
Terrorist attack on the world trade center