Mt Saint Helen's Erupts
Mount St. Helens erupts being the largest and most destructive volcanic eruption in U.S. history killing 57 people -
FOX news
FOX news is created and serves as a news channel to quickly provide public news to the citizens of America -
the space shuttle, the Challenger, crashes
the space shuttle Challenger explodes shortly after liftoff, killing all on board including school teacher Christa McAuliffe creating panic and sadness across all of America -
Tear down this wall speech
president Reagan delivers the famous speech "tear down this wall" in west Berlin in hopes of destroying the barrier between east and west Berlin -
Presidental Election
George H.W. Bush wins the election 426-111 votes taking 40 states -
the Hubble Space Telescope
the Hubble space telescope is launched into space allowing for images of deep space never before seen -
Presidential Election
Clinton defeats George H.W. Bush in the presidential election and wins 370-168 taking 32 states. -
Oklahoma City Bombing
168 people were killed including 19 children under the age of 6. It was the worst tragedy on US soil before 9/11. -
computer programming that was expected to cause extensive havoc as the year changed from 1999 to 2000. Instead of allowing four digits for the year, many computer programs only allowed two digits -
on 9/11 the twin towers and pentagon are struck by hijacked planes, destroying both towers resulting in 2,977 fatalities, over 25,000 injuries