The Domino Theory
In 1949 Mao Zedong had taken power in China. -
The Domino Theory
"You have a row of dominos set up;you knock down over the first one" Eisenhower said in 1954. -
The Domino Theory
When John F. Kennedy was in office in 1961 he saw how Vietnam was proving anti-Communists resolve. -
The Domino Theory
In 1963 the number of American military had risen fron 700 to 16,000 in this year. -
The War Fought on T.V.
In 1965 a Full-scale intervention when the arrived in Da Nang for combat. -
A War Fought on T.V.
In 1968 North Vietnam and Vietcong launched Tet Offensive with a series of attacks during the New Year. -
A war fought on tv
1965 first mass demostration with 20,000 people in washington took place and the protests grew in size and militancy. -
A war fought on tv
Kissinger started this process called the Vietnamization that was fightingover to South Vietnamese troopss that withdrawed with U.S. forces. -
A war fought on tv
So with that withdraw the numbers of soliders went down to 220,000 in 1970. -
A war fought on tv
So this Paris Peace Accords stops all fighting and all foregin troops to withdraw from Vietnam in 1973. -
A War Fought on TV
In 1975 60 percent of this population was born after a Communits vivtory -
A homcoming
Hung Ba Le the first time he fled his country he was hes mom and dad and three siblings on a fishing boat when he was five. -
1975 the fall of saigon
The last of the Americans were heading into Saigon on April 30, 1975 with warships near by the vietnamese were trying to get away. -
A War Fought On T.V.
So in 1986 China lead and instituted free-market this was know as "doi moi" less states controled this and more private enterprise. -
a war fought on tv
In 1993 Bill Clinton lifted U.S. trade embargo.