1970s Timeline

By maddie4
  • Earth Day

    Earth Day
    On April 22, 1970 was the first Earth Day. Earth Day started because Senator Nelson thought it was horrible that our environment was not being tooken care of.
  • Kent State

    Kent State
    On May 7, 1970 members Ohio National Guard fired into a crowd at Kent State University killing 4 and injuring 9.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    Robbers broke into the Watergate building to wiretap and steal documents for Nixon's campaign.
  • Munich Massacre

    Munich Massacre
    The Munich Massacre was an attack during the 1972 Olympic games. 11 athletes were captured and killed eventually.
  • Vietman 1973

    Vietman 1973
    America takes their troops out of Vietnam ending Amercian involvment in the war.
  • Nixon Resigns

    Nixon Resigns
    Richard Nixon resigned because he was faced with almost certain impeachment and removal from office.
  • Gerald Ford

    Gerald Ford
    On September 5 Lynette Fromme attempted to assassinate President Ford.
  • Roots miniseries

    Roots miniseries
    Roots was a miniseries on ABC that aired from January 23-30 based on a novel
  • Stars Wars

    Stars Wars
    Star Wars came out and this was a the beginning of a big movie success
  • Elvis's death

    Elvis's death
    Elvis died of an overdose of prescribed medications to pump him up on stage.
  • John Paul ||

    John Paul ||
    John Paul || died suddenly shortly after his election
  • 3 mile island

    3 mile island
    The nuclear power plant melted causing serious after effects
  • Margaret Thatcher

    Margaret Thatcher
    Margaret Thatcher was the first woman prime minister of Britain.
  • Iran Hostages

    Iran Hostages
    Iranian students took over the U.S. embassy and kidnapped 60 people for 444 days.