Word processor
The Inventor is Evelyn Berenzin. This has helped improve our lives because it is a computer program that provides input, editing, and formatting. -
Pong (First Video Game)
Invented by Allen Alcorn. pong is the first ever arcade game. It has enhanced our lives by providing us with entertainment and creating a blue print for games in the future. -
Cellular phones
The first cellular phone was invented by Martin Cooper. Phones are a key essential to society today because they are the main source of communication and even allow communication throughout varies parts of the world. -
The laser Printer
Invented by Gary Starkweather, the Laser Printer has helped advance our lives by allowing us to print physical forms and documents. -
Invented by Sony a Walkmen has revolutionized the way we can listen to music. Its a way to portably walk with your music and only you can hear it, not disturbing others.