1970s -1979s events

  • Period: to

    The Seventies

  • the Apollo 13

    the Apollo 13
    The Apollo 13 was intended to be the third mission to carry human to the surface of the moon, but an explosion of the one of the oxygen tanks and resulting damage to other system resulted in the mission being aborted before the planned lunar landing could take places.
  • Beatles break up

    Beatles break up
    They were from the 1960 to the 1970 .cause of the death of their manager Brian Epstein in the 1967 that means that the Beatles were personally involved in financial and legal conflicts. George Harrison and Ringo starrt left the group at various points during 1968-1969 and all band member begun working on solo projects by the 1970 they all realized the likelihood the band would not regroup.
  • 18 year old given the vote

    18 year old given the vote
    The Amendment that let 18 year old the right to vote was the 26 amendment. The day they propose on march23, 1971 and the day they pass it on July 7th 1971.when this was happening our present was Richard Nixon when the 26 amendment. Voting age in America 21 to 18 it started when world war II.
  • London bridge bought to the us

    London bridge bought to the us
    London Bridge is bridge in lake Havasu City, Arizona, United States. The bridge was completed in 1971 along with the canal, and links and island in the lake with the main part of Lake Havasu City. Since the cost of the land was nothing the sale of the properties paid for the bridge and more the bridge was not reconstructed over a river, but rather it was rebuilt on land in position between the main part of city and Pittsburgh point, at the time a peninsula jutting into lake Havasu.
  • South Vietnam and us invade Loas

    South Vietnam and  us invade Loas
    A U.S.-South Vietnamese invasion of southern Laos has been underway since early Monday, but Washington is still trying to keep the action a secret. Confronted by shouting newsmen on Capitol Hill yesterday morning, Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird at first tried to ignore questions about the Laotian situation, and then stated only that no U.S. ground troops would be sent into Laos. "I want to make sure that we will not open any credibility gap," Laird said.
  • Direct Dial between New York and London

    Direct Dial between New York and London
    “Direct distance dialing (DDD) or direct dial is a telecommunications term for a network-provided service feature in which a call originator may, without operator assistance, call any other user outside the local calling area. DDD requires more digits in the number dialed than are required for calling within the local area or area code. DDD also extends beyond the boundaries of national public telephone network, in which case it is called international direct dialing or international direct di
  • first successful video game (pong) launched

    first successful video game (pong) launched
    Today in 1972, Atari co-founders Nolan Bushnell and Al Alcorn demonstrated the first stand-alone Pong coin-operated arcade unit into Andy Cappa’s Tavern in Sunnyvale, California. Atari went on to sell more than 19,000 arcade units, helping launch the video game industry. Today, video game sale are expected to grow from $66 billion in 2010 to $81 billion in 2016, and every student in video game design school aspires to supersede and surpass Alcorn’s and Bushnell’s success.
  • Terrorists Attack at the Olympic Games in Munich

    Terrorists Attack at the Olympic Games in Munich
    The Munich Massacre is an informal name for events that occurred during the1972 summer Olympics in Munich Bavaria in Southern west Germany, when members of the Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage and eventually killed by the Palestinian group Black September. Five of the eight members of Black September were killed by police officers during a failed rescue attempt.
  • The last man on the moon

    The last man on the moon
    Twelve of these astronauts walked on the Moon’s surface, and six of those drove a lunar rover on the Moon. While three astronauts flew to the Moon twice, none of them landed on the Moon more than once. The nine Apollo missions to the Moon occurred between December of 1968 and December of 1972. His name was Neil Armstrong and he was the last man to walk on the moon
  • U.S. Pulls Out of Vietnam

    U.S. Pulls Out of Vietnam
    The peace talks then resumed, and on January 27, 1973, the parties agreed to a cease-fire the following day, the withdrawal of all U.S. forces, the release of all prisoners of war, and the creation of an international force to keep the peace. The South Vietnamese were to have the right to determine their own future, but North Vietnamese troops stationed in the south could remain. By the end of 1973, almost all U.S. military personnel had left South Vietnam.
  • The War Powers Act

    The War Powers Act
    During the Korean and Vietnam wars, the United States found itself involved for many years in situations of intense conflict without a declaration of war. The War Powers Resolution was passed by both the House of Representatives and senate but was vetoed by President Richard Nixon. By a two-thirds vote in each house, Congress overrode the veto and enacted the joint resolution into law on November 7, 1973
  • UPC Barcodes come to US

    UPC Barcodes come to US
    The first use of barcodes was to label railroad cars, but they were not commercially successful until they were used to automate supermarket checkout systems, a task for which they have become almost universal. The very first scanning of the now ubiquitous Universal Product Code (UPC) barcode was on a pack of Wrigley company chewing gum in June 1974.
  • National speed limit 55

    National speed limit 55
    The National Maximum Speed Law (NMSL) in the United States was a provision of the 1974 emergency highway energy conservation act that prohibited speed limits higher than 55 miles per hour (89 km/h). It was drafted in response to oil price spikes and supply disruptions during the 1973 oil crisis. While officials hoped gasoline consumption would fall by 2.2%, actual savings are estimated at between 0.5% and 1%.
  • Girls allowed to play in Little League Baseball

    Girls allowed to play in Little League Baseball
    So, in 1974, Little League Softball for girls was created, and the baseball rules and regulations were made non-gender specific. In 1974, nearly 30,000 girls signed up for the softball program. One in 57 Little Leaguers that year was a girl.
  • Gerald Ford pardons Nixon

    Gerald Ford pardons Nixon
    The documents include President Ford's handwritten notation on his first legislative briefing document after succeeding President Nixon in White House aide Ken Cole wrote Ford on September 25, 1974, "There is little question that the legislation is bad on the merits, the real question is whether opposing it is important enough to face the political consequences.
  • Arthur Ashe First Black Man to Win Wimbledon

    Arthur Ashe First Black Man to Win Wimbledon
    1975 the mood ring came out, Arthur Ashe was the first black man to win Wimbledon, Microsoft was founded, the Alaska Pipeline construction began, computerized supermarket checkouts appeared, and disposable razors were introduced.
  • Francisco Franco dies

    Francisco Franco dies
    Francisco Franco y Bahamonde, better know under the name of December 1892-20november 1975 was a Spanish general, dictator and the leader of the nationalist military rebellion in the Spanish civil war, and totalitarian head of state of Spain,from October 1936 until his death in November 1975.
  • Jimmy Hoffa disappears

    Jimmy Hoffa disappears
    James disappears from a parking lot at Bloomfield Hills. If left behind two children his daughter, Barbara Crancer, and his son James. There was some witness that saw him at 2:30pm on July 30, 1975.
  • Karen Ann Quinlan

    Karen Ann Quinlan
    Karen urinal was 21 .after arriving home from a party she had alcohol, diazepam, and she had dextropropxyphene. After she was kept alive on a ventilator for several mouths without improvement. She lived on in a persistent vegetative state for almost a decade until her death from pneumonia in 1985.
  • West Point admits women

    West Point admits women
    Female individuals shall be eligible for appointment and admission to the service academy concerned, beginning in calendar year 1976. The Women’s Army Corps Training Center at Fort McClellan, Ala.; Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) summer camps where women.
  • Legionnaire’s disease strikes 182, kills 29

    Legionnaire’s disease strikes 182, kills 29
    From 1976 state convention of the America legion a U.S. military veterans’ organization, at a Philadelphia hotel where 182 Legionnaires the disease, 29 of them fatally. The largest known outbreak of Legionnaire disease, confirmed in more than 300 people, occurred in Murcia, Spain in 2001.
  • New York City blackout

    New York City blackout
    The blackout from New York City was from July 13 1977 to July 14 1977 the only part that was not affected was in southern Queens, and neighborhoods of the rockaway. On July 14 there were 1,000 fires were reported 1,600 stores were damaged in looting and rioting and 3,700 people were arrested. The total of coats was $300 dollars of the blackout.
  • First black Miss Universe

    First black Miss Universe
    Miss universe change its name to miss universe organization. Miss Universe was held Santo Domingo on July 16 1977 at the National Theater. Janelle commission got her first crown as and she was the first black women to win title. Charles Bluhdorn was in several big projects for the Dominican Republic.
  • Elvis Found Dead

    Elvis Found Dead
    He was dead August 16, 1977 he was 42 year old. He dies in his bathroom at Graceland. He was rush to the hospital were the said that he was die. He dies cause of the cardiac arrhythmia. That means that his heart stopped beating heart stopped beating.
  • John Paul II Becomes Pope

    John Paul II Becomes Pope
    Reigned as pope of the Catholic Church from 1978 until his death 2005. He had visit 129 century. He was the second largest serving pope. He the first non-Italian since 1523. His mom die on April 13 1929 cause of childbirth he didn’t really play sports in his childhood.
  • Camp David accords for Middle East Peace

    Camp David accords for Middle East Peace
    The 2 framework agreement at the white house and there were a witness by president jimmy carter. There agreement was to have peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. Jimmy opted to replace the incremental. 1973 Yom Kippur war with a comprehensive.
  • Atlantic City permits gambling

    Atlantic City permits gambling
    “10 am, Governor Brendan Byrne snips the ribbon on the 33,000-square-foot Resorts casino—but doesn’t place a wager. The casino features 870 slot machines, 10 roulette wheels, and 60 blackjack and 10 craps tables, although a dearth of licensed dealers leaves only a fraction of the tables open. Singer Steve Lawrence places the first bet, losing $10 at craps.”
  • Sony Introduces the Walkman

    Sony Introduces the Walkman
    The prototype was built in 1978 by audio-division engineer Nobutoshi Kithara for Sony co-chairman Akio Morita. The original walkman was marketed in 1979 as the walkman in Japan. Adverting, despite all the foreign languages, still attracted thousands of buyers in the us specifically.
  • ESPN starts broadcasting

    ESPN starts broadcasting
    “ESPN of course covers much more than baseball, but it’s been a key element of the development of the baseball/sports media complex over the past 30 years. It’s worth looking back to see how it began in 1979, its immediate impact on sports fans and sports media in the early ’80s, and what its initial goals were.”
  • Jerry Farwell begins Moral Majority

    Jerry Farwell begins Moral Majority
    “Jerry Farwell founds the Moral Majority, a national effort to stimulate the fundamentalist vote and elect Christian Right candidates. Early fundraising appeals include a "Declaration of War..”