1970's Technology

  • 1971- Email

    1971- Email
    Email was created by Ray Tomlinson; by changing the computers messaging from single- computer usage, to multiple computer usage. Before his discovery emails could only be sent to other users on the same "mainframe" or central processing unit. This advancement was revolutionary to the way we communicate, how far we can communicate, and fast we can send and receive content.
  • 1972- The Floppy Disk

    1972- The Floppy Disk
    The Floppy disk was created by Warren L. Dalziel, who worked for IBM in the 60's. In 1972 the floppy disc became the standardized data storage device worldwide. Back then data storage capabilities were so limited compared to secure data storage clouds, and hardware currently existing. The invention was mostly recognized for it's portability, which set the frame work for portable storage devices.
  • 1973- Cell phone

    1973- Cell phone
    The cell phone is probably one of the most important inventions to mankind. In 1973, Martin Cooper created the first telephone. Some referred to "The Brick" weighing 2.5 pounds as the first cell phone created in 1983. Little do most know, Cooper made the first cell phone call with a prototype. This was the first successful wireless call ever made.
  • 1975 - Digital Camera

    1975 - Digital Camera
    In 1975 the "Cromemco Cyclops" was the first digital camera. Created by Terry Walker, Harry Garland, and Roger Melen. This invention used a image sensor, which was a modified memory chip, that developed digital images at a maximum of 32 pixels by 32 pixels. This revolutionized the film and photography industry, making development of film more user friendly than complex.
  • 1978- The GPS

    1978- The GPS
    The GPS was created by the U.S. Navy. Short for Global Positioning System, most task would be impossible without this technology. Before several satellites were created there was only the NAVSTAR, now civilians have access to many satellites and new technologies that aid in global positioning. Without GPS mundane task would become more compounded, with all of the atlas and map searching.