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    Richard Nixon presidency

    Richard Nixon is elected into office as the 37th president of the united states. During his time in office, Nixon successfully ended the Vietnam war and rebuilt relationships with china and the soviet union. Nixon was then accused of involvement with the Watergate scandal which led to his resignation.
  • Floppy Disk

    The floppy disk was a magnetic storage invented at IBM and was first used on IBM computers they were used to transfer files from one computer to another
  • VCR

    The video cassette recorder allowed people to consume TV and movies more readily.
  • Digital Wrist Watch

    First LED wrist watch comes out and gains huge popularity. People begin to change the way they tell time.
  • Steven Hawking's Theories

    Physicist Steven presents his theories on the big bang and black holes
  • Physics Discoveries

    The integrated circuit and laser allow Fiber optics are developed creating a new era of telecommunication, optical trapping and fiberoptic allowing for many advancements in physics.
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    Physics world

    Steven hawking's develops the theory of black holes and the big bang theory
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    Environmental Movements

    Concerns for the environment become a a major issue in the 70's. Richard Nixon creates the Environmental Protection Agency. In 73 the endangered species act is passed protecting plants and animals. The first earth day is celebrated on April 22, 1979
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    Collapse of Bretton Woods

    The Bretton woods monetary system , which allows you to exchange gold for dollars is withdrawn
  • 26th Amendment

    the 26th amendment is passed stating the right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.
  • PONG

    First sports video game is created and help initiate the video game industry
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    President Nixon is suspected to be involved in illegal crimes, when members of his reelection committee are caught breaking in to the Watergate headquarters and accused of stealing documents and tapping the office phones. Nixon publicly swears his innocence and is reelected for second term. Later evidence comes to light of his involvement, Nixon tries to get aid from the CIA to stop FBI investigation. The House Judiciary Committee votes to impeach Nixon due to abuse of power and illegal crimes
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    1970s Oil Crisis

    In Oct. 1973, the OPEC placed a ban on the US, cutting their production of oil and rising their prices, this was in response to Nixon's support of Israel in the Yom Kippur War causing an oil crisis in the U.S. Americans soon realized they consumed more than they were actually producing and realized how dependent the U.S government was of other countries. Americans feared the shortage would prevent them from energizing their homes, factories and filling their tanks.
  • Mobile Phone

    Motorola creates the first handheld cellphone.
  • Nixon's Resignation

    Richard Nixon becomes the first president to resign due to his involvement in the Watergate scandal and impeachment proceedings against him
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    Gerald Ford Presidency

    Gerald Ford is sworn as the 38th president of the unites states and grants Nixon full pardon.
  • End of Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War finally comes to an end when communists seize control of south vietnam
  • Apples Computer 1

    First apple computer released designed by Steve Wozniak 200 units sold.
  • CERNs

    Scientist have new tools at their disposal allowing them to experiment on matter and anti matter such as the CERNs super proton synchrotron
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    Voyager Space Program

    Two twin unmanned voyagers are launched to fly by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
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    Jimmy Carter Presidency

    Carter becomes the 39th president of the united states. Later awarded the Nobel peace prize for " work to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development" (https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/presidents/james-carter/)
  • SONY Walkman

    Sony creates the first portable music player, allowing people to carry and listen through lightweight headphones.
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    Iranian Hostage Crisis

    A terrorist attack on the US embassy seize the staff and hold them hostage in response to the US support of Iran's shah, Reza Pahlavi who had fled Iran after being overthrown. The radicals demanded an exchange of the shah for the hostages. President Carter had many tactics to resolve this problem including a rescue mission, none of which were successful. After 444 days Carter was able to release the hostages but unfortunately was left with a bad public image.
  • Rubix Cube

    The Rubix Cube becomes the top selling toy and is extremely popular amongst children and adults.
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    First case of aids is identified in the US. This was a rare disease that seemed to be infecting the gay population, later scientists would discover that the disease was spread by bodily fluids
  • Pac Man

    Pac Man was first introduced to the Japanese public and later became a huge hit in the US.
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    Ronald Raegan Presidency

    Ronald Raegan is elected the 40th president of the Unites States. During his presidency he quickly gained popularity by, stimulating the economic growth, increasing employment and strengthening the national defenses.
  • Columbia Spaceshuttle

    First shuttle is launched into space.
  • MTV

    The channel was composed of free music videos. MTV helped big pop stars careers by promoting their music and videos on constant rotation.
  • 1st artificial heart transplant

    First artificial heart transplant is preformed and successful on a 61 year old patient.
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    Michael Jackson

    Michael Jackson was dominant in the music industry his music in the 80s helped break down racial barriers, his ability to create music and art through his music videos helped MTV with their success. His best known albums include Thriller in 82 and Bad which has 5 hit singles.
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    Madonna was one of the biggest pop stars in the 80s. But music was not her only talent. Madonna was also a big fashion influence in the 80s. Madonna set the trends for fashion and make up that all women soon adopted. These trends of the 80s included, heavy makeup, messy hair, bright colors and a punk vibe.
  • E.T.

    The Extraterrestrial by Steven Spielberg is released and a big hit in the 80's. The film was so successful and later rereleased in celebration to its success.
  • Strategic Defense Initiative

    This initiative was nicknamed the Star Wars, proposed by president Ronald Raegan to protect the us from ballistic nuclear missiles
  • Flashdance

    The Flashdance film has negative reviews from critics, but was a film that showcased an inspirational roles for females. This film also helped change the fashion and music in future filmmaking.
  • Disney Channel

    The channel Launched at 7 A.M. with Good Morning Mickey and aired for 16 hours.
  • Ronald Raegan Re-election

    Ronald Reagan is reelected for a second term.
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    Prince was a big influence in the music industry because he challenged the industry. He was known as a sex symbol and it was constantly incorporated in this lyrics. Purple Rain released in 84 was one of his greatest hits
  • .com

    symbolics.com becomes the first domain registered in the internet.
  • Back to the Future

    The film was recognized for its sound effects and even won an Oscar. This film helped portray how much times have changed and was a big hit.
  • Computer Virus

    The first computer virus is discovered
  • Chernobyl

    Nuclear accident in Chernobyl is caused by an explosion in reactor 4. The explosion killed two and later 28 more from acute radiation.
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    Straight out of Compton album is released and warned by the FBI due to violence.
  • Gameboy

    Nintendo creates the game boy which is the first handheld game console. The game boy has huge success.
  • The Simpsons

    The Simpsons first aired in the Tracy Ullman show as a short series cartoon. It later gained popularity and helped initiate the Fox Network