1968: A Tumultuous

  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Communists launch attacks on South Vietnamese towns. 3,000 Americans and 32,000 Viet Cong are killed. Public support for the war starts to decline.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    American soldiers slaughter a South Vietnemese village that was suspected of housing Viet Cong. Later found to be mostly innocent people.
  • Johnson's Disapproval

    LBJ's disapproval rating hits 60%. He announced he would not be running for office again.
  • MLK is Killed

    MLK is Killed
    Civil Rights leater Martin Luther King jr is assasinated in Tenesse. This causes great discontent and riots in many cities followed.
  • Robert Kennedy Murder

    Robert Kennedy Murder
    New York senator Robert Kennedy, younger brother of murdered president John F Kennedy, is assasinated in Los Angeles.
  • Hubert Humphrey Campaign

    LBJ's vice presiednt Hubert Humphrey announces that he is running for office. This created a public outrage, as many feared he shared in LBJ's views and policies.
  • Nixon is Elected

    Nixon is Elected
    Republicsn Richard M Nixon is elected to be the 37th president of the United States. Nixon had already ran and lost to JFK in 1960.