Summit in Geneva, Switzerland
The Gueneva Summit of 1955 was a cold war era meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. This was held on July 18, 1955. It was a meeting place for president Dwight Eisenhower, prime ministor Anthonay Eden and Edgar Fave AKA "The Big Four". The reason for this was to get the leaders together to discuss peace. -
Richard Nixon and Police of Detente
Detente means relaxation. Relaxiaton was related to the easing of the tension between the Soviet Union and the US. In this time the Treaty of SALT1 was ainged. The "relaxation period" started in 1969. -
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
The Soviet war in Afghanistan lasted 9 years and started in December 1979. Troops from the Soviet Union got into Afghan Comunist goverment and its conflict with anti communist. -
Solidarity Movement in Polan
It was the first non-communist party controlled trade union in a Warsa packed country. The Polish trade unionstarted on August 31, 1980 at the Gdansk shipyard under the leadership of Lech Walesa.Within a year it reached 9.5 million members which was one third of the working people in Poland. -
Ronals Reagan addresses the National Association of Evangelicals
Also called the "Evil Empire speech" was not only about the Soviet Union or international affairs, but about morals and values. The speech was at a time when Americans were divided and Reagan was trying to get members of the Christian conservatist to support his national security policies. -
Strategic Defense Initiative ("Star Wars")
The strategic defense initiative was started by Ronald Reagan on March23,1983. The purpose of STI was to protect the U.S. from balistic missile attacks.In order to do this, we used ground and space satellites. -
Gorbachev became the general secretary of the communist partyin the Soviet Union in 1985 with this he introduced a program of perestroika which means restructuring, and glasnost which means openess. This policy made for profound changes in the economic practice and international relations between U.S and Soviet union. -
Reykjavik Summit, Iceland
The Reykjavik summit was a meeting place for Ronald Reagan and the General Secretary of the Communist Party. On this day, the agreement of IRN was announced between the Soviet Union and the U.S. -
Reagan's speech at Brandenberg Gate, West Berlin
On June 12, 1987 did a "tear down this wall speech." Reagan wanted Mikhul, Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin wall. The speech took place at the Brandenberg Gate on the 750th anniversary of the gate. The reason for tearing down the Gate was to enable freedom in the Eastern Bloc. -
Reagan and Gorbachev sign INF treaty
INF stands for Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces. This was a treaty or agreement between the U.S. and the Soviet Union that took place December 8th. 1987. This treaty eliminated nuclear and conventional ground launched missiles. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
The Berlin wall completely cut off West Berlin from East Berlin and Germany. On November 9th, 1989, everyone was free and celebrated by climbing the wall and tearing it down. -
Fall of the Soviet Union
The Soviet union crashed on December 26th 1991 and transformed in to 15 seperate colonies. This marked the end of the Cold War and decades of hostility between between the Soviets and the U.S.