1966-1976 Effects

  • (3) Effects of Setting up the stage for the Cultural Revolution

    To set up the stage, Mao started to replace important political positions one by one with people he knew and allied with. Mao and Jian Qing were also criticizing different ideas that were interfering with Mao's own ideals. Short term effect: This started the steps for Mao to start the cultural revolution to reinforce his ideas. Long term effect: Because of the cultural revolution, China's economy suffered a lot of damage that took years to recover from.
  • Period: to

    1966-1976 Timeline

  • Unofficial beginning of the Cultural Revolution

    The May 16 Circular said that the CCP wanted to bring out that the Politburo made the bourgeoisie that sneaked into the government. Mao then starts to hunt down the people who were against him and ideas of socialism.
  • First dazibao

    A teacher in the Beijing university wrote the first Marxist dazibao that was written against the university advisors and their administrators.
  • Red Guards form at Beijing University

    These Red Guards were formed at Beijing University so they could take down Mao's enemies and the people who went against him.
  • Mao writes a dazibao

    This dazibao that Mao wrote was a direct attack on Liu Shaoqi, it started to bombard the headquarters.
  • Sixteen points directive

    This document is the Chinese government's official statement that they supported Mao’s economic policies the Red Guards. The sixteen points got passed by the Eighth Central Committee of the CCP.
  • First red guard rally in Beijing

    This red guard rally was the start of the future rallies and it was held in Tiananmen Square.
  • (2) Effects of Chaos escalates

    Chaos is escalating everywhere because the Red Guards start to target and eliminate anything that goes against Mao. There are also articles made that praise Mao and his action towards the revolution. Short term effect: People like the bourgeoisie were eliminated, the Four Olds were destroyed and the Red Guards gained a lot of power. Long term effect: Many of this scarred the victims and created a long and unending hatred towards the events that happened even in the present day.
  • Campaign to promote Mao's cult of personality

    Mao's cult personality made people see him as an otherworldly being, it was being brought up by books and promoted by Jiang Qing and Lin Bao. People even studied it in the "Little Red Book".
  • Red Guards dismantled

    The Red Guards got dismantled because it started to become the most devastating revolution and Mao ordered the PLA disband them.
  • (1) Effects of "Down to the Countryside" Movement

    This movement was to send children from urban areas to go back and become re-educated, they were also sent to do manual labor. Short term effect: This was devastating to the lives of the youths because a huge number of them died of exhaustion and malnutrition, some even from diseases. Long term effect: The youth that ended up living through became mentally scarred with this event and comes out with no education in the world.
  • Ninth Congress of the CCP

    During the Ninth Congress of the CCP, Lin Biao was promoted to become the vice-chairman of the CCP. Mao then also declares that the Cultural Revolution will end.
  • "The Lin Bao Affair"

    A coup d'etat was attempted by Lin Biao and his other supporters in the military. They planned to assassinate and end Mao's rule. They ended up failing and ruined Lin Biao's whole reputation and the life which made him flee to the Soviet Union. His plane ended up crashing on his way and he died.
  • "Criticise Lin Bao, Criticise Confucius" Campaign

    This came from Jian Qing's first campaign that was just "Criticize Lin Bao" then it evolved into this version, where it's used to be a criticism to Zhou Enlai.
  • Events leading to the end of the Cultural Revolution

    Deng Xiaoping became the first vice-premier but gets criticized by Jiang Qing and gets replaced by Hua Guofeng. Mao died on September 9th, 1976, and Hua then orders the arrest of Jiang Qing and her supporters, which they have lost most of their support. And this ended the Cultural Revolution.
  • Tiananmen Incident

    This was a memorial for Zhou Enlai and it was held in Tiananmen. Zhou Enlai became sick with cancer and died on January 8th, 1976.