Bay of Pigs Debacle
The plot to overthrow Fidel Castro goes disastrously, leading many to question Kennedy's abilities as Commander in Chief -
Alan Shepard becomes the first American in Space
John Glenn becomes the first American to orbit the earth
Silent Spring published
Written by Rachel Carson, the book revealed the hazards of DDT and helped to garner public opinion against the pesticide. -
Cuban Missle Crisis
America and the Soviet Union come closer to nuclear war than ever before -
Martin Luther King Delivers his "I Have a Dream" Speech in Washington, DC
Over 200000 people listen to his oration on equality as he speaks from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall -
President Kennedy Assassinated in Dallas
Lyndon Johnson assumes the presidency -
Watts race riots
After five days, 34 people are dead, and 200 million dollars in property has been damaged -
First public burning of a draft card
Veterans Stage Anti-War Rally
Veterans from previous wars burn discharge and draft papers in protest of the Vietnam war. Hostility towards the war continues to grow. -
Thurgood Marshall becomes the first black Supreme Court Justice
North Vietnamese Launch Tet Offensive
While the American military is taken by surprise, they win the battle; in numbers. Psychologically and politically, it is a Vietcong victory. -
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, become the first men to walk on the moon
Policy of "Vietnamization" Announced
The American military begins to make plans to leave Vietnam -
The internet (Arpanet) is invented
Engineers at Advanced Research Projects Agency at the U.S. Department of Defense connect the IMP at UCLA to the one at Stanford Research Institute. -
Kent State Incident
National Guardsmen fire on an anti-war demonstration, killing four students.