1960s timeline

By emery77
  • SNCC formed

    SNCC formed
    The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee was formed and their main goal was nonviolence and direct action tactics
  • First televised Presidential debate

    First televised Presidential debate
    Richard Nixon and John F Kennedy have a debate which was televised live to the nation. Nixon would sweat easily and in the hot condition of the room he did just that, which made him look like a coward, when he was not. The TV viewers voted for JFK and thought he won, while people who listened on the radio voted for Nixon and thought he won
  • Roger Maris of the Yankees breaks Babe Ruth’s single season home run record

    Roger Maris of the Yankees breaks Babe Ruth’s single season home run record
    Roger Maris hit a 61 on the final game of the season, beating Babe Ruth's single season record
  • First airing of “The Flintstones”

    First airing of “The Flintstones”
    'The Flintstones' cartoon airs for the first time.
  • The Beatles appear on Ed Sullivan

    The Beatles appear on Ed Sullivan
    During the Ed Sullivan show, The Beatles, like other popular things of the time, appeared on stage.
  • Russians send the first man into space

    Russians send the first man into space
    Yuri Gagarin was the first human in space, from the Soviet Union.
  • Marilyn Monroe dies

    Marilyn Monroe dies
    American actress and model Marilyn Monroe dies of an overdose
  • Berlin Wall Construction

    Berlin Wall Construction
    A wall constructed to separate West and East Berlin (and GDR). The wall's construction was commenced by the government.
  • SDS releases its Port Huron statement

    SDS releases its Port Huron statement
    A political manifesto of the American student activist movement, students for a democratic society (SDS).
  • James Meredith registers at Ole Miss

    James Meredith registers at Ole Miss
    James Meredith becomes the first African American student at the University of Mississippi.
  • “Dr. No” the first James Bond movie premiers

     “Dr. No” the first James Bond movie premiers
    The first James Bond movie arrives, eventually setting off many other movies and a popular franchise.
  • Cuban Missile crisis

    Cuban Missile crisis
    A dangerous confrontation between the US and Soviet forces during the Cold War. Although no missiles were fired it was a very tense moment that almost lead to nuclear war.
  • President Kennedey is elected

    President Kennedey is elected
    JFK is elected 35th president of the US
  • Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” Speech

    Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” Speech
    Martin Luther King Jr gives his public speech, "I Have A Dream", at the Lincoln memorial
  • JFK is assinated

    JFK is assinated
    While riding a motorcade through Dealey Plaza, in Dallas, Texas, JFK was shot and killed.
  • The Beatles arrive in the United States

    The Beatles arrive in the United States
    The Beatles band land in the US for the first time, welcomed by thousands of fans
  • New York World’s Fair begins

    New York World’s Fair begins
    Exhibits and mans achievements, held in NY. This fair lasted a few months
  • Lyndon B Johnson defeats Barry Goldwater

    Lyndon B Johnson defeats Barry Goldwater
    Lyndon B Johnson defeated election opponent Barry Goldwater in a large landslide.
  • Malcolm X assassinated

    Malcolm X assassinated
    Activist Malcolm X is assassinated in New York
  • Watts race riots

    Watts race riots
    Race riots that took place in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles. People in the later years believed these riots were linked to some sort of communist agenda or conspiracy.
  • “Star Trek” TV show airs

    “Star Trek” TV show airs
    Star Trek, another popular piece of TV media, premieres. This also became a successful series.
  • First NFL Football Super Bowl

    First NFL Football Super Bowl
    NFL held its first Super Bowl football game.
  • Boxer Muhammed Ali refuses military service

    Boxer Muhammed Ali refuses military service
    Muhammad Ali refused to serve due to religious beliefs and opposition to the war. This put his boxing career on hold.
  • San Francisco “Summer of Love” begins

    San Francisco “Summer of Love” begins
    Summer of Love was an event where 30,000 people gathered in SFs Golden Gate Park. This was a big social event for hippies.
  • Beatles release Sgt. Pepper’s album

    Beatles release Sgt. Pepper’s album
    The Beatles release Sgt. Pepper's album, which was a hit
  • Thurgood Marshall nominated to the Supreme Court

    Thurgood Marshall nominated to the Supreme Court
    President Lyndon B Johnson nominated civil rights lawyer Thu good Marshall to the Supreme Court
  • Tet offensive

    Tet offensive
    North Vietnamese and communist Viet Cong forces attacked the US and South Vietnamese, causing them to lose many men before fending NV and VC off.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated

    Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated
    Activist Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated at a Hotel in Memphis TN.
  • Robert Kennedy assassination

    Robert Kennedy assassination
    Robert Kennedy, JFK's brother was assassinated
  • Protests at the 1968 Democratic National Convention

    Protests at the 1968 Democratic National Convention
    A series of protests against the US involvement in the Vietnam war. The protests lasts about 7 days
  • LSD declared illegal by the U.S. government

    LSD declared illegal by the U.S. government
    LSD, a drug substance, is declared illegal by the US gov.
  • Nixon is elected president

    Nixon is elected president
    Richard Nixon is elected 37th president of the US
  • Stonewall riots

    Stonewall riots
    A series of protests by members of the gay community in response to a police raid
  • American astronauts land on the moon

    American astronauts land on the moon
    Apollo-11 successfully lands on the moon, with 3 Americans to be the first men on the moon
  • Woodstock concert

    Woodstock concert
    A musical festival that took place in Bethel, NY. Lots of people attended this event. 460,000-500,000 people allegedly showed up.
  • The Rolling Stones host the Altamont music festival

    The Rolling Stones host the Altamont music festival
    The Rolling Stones host their Altamont music festival, in Livermore California.