1960's Decade

By Chris.s
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    1960's Decade

  • Valdivia Earthquake in Chile.

    Also known as the Great Chilean Earthquake, the largest ever earthquake ever recoreded in the richter scale, measuring a magnitude 9.5. The disaster also caused several tsunamis, the largest one hit Hilo, Hawai'i.
  • First Man in Space

    Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man to orbit around earth.
  • Berlin Wall construction starts.

    The Berlin Wall construction was started. This wall seperated West Berlin from East Berlin.
  • The Beatles are formed.

    The British rock-band The Beatles are formed in Liverpool.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Makes His "I Have a Dream" Speech

    Martin Luther King Jr. Makes His "I Have a Dream" Speech in Washington dc.
  • John F Kennedy was assasinated

    John f kennedy got shot twice while in his car.
  • The Maple leaf flag adopted in Canada.

    After the Great Flag Debate, the maple leaf flag, currently the national flag of Canada, is adopted as the national flag.
  • Martin Luther King Jr Assasination

    Martin Luther King Jr was stoned to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
  • Hippie Era

    The hippie youth movement spread around the world.
  • Apollo 11

    Neil armstrong becomes the first perso to land on the moon. Spaceflight: Apollo 11