1960's Timeline

  • The United States launches the world's first nuclear powered Aircraft Carrier the USS Enterprise

    The United States launches the world's first nuclear powered Aircraft Carrier the USS Enterprise
    The USS Enterprise was the first ship to be ran by nuclear power and it was used the Cuban missile crisis and after 9/11 happened.
  • John F. Kennedy elected president

    John F. Kennedy elected president
    John F. Kennedy was elected as president of the United States and he asked Lyndon B. Johnson to be his vice persident. He beat the Republican Richard M. Nixon. He was also the youngest man to be elected president.
  • Russians send the first man into space

    Russians send the first man into space
    Russia was the first country to send a man to space and his name was Yuri Gagarin.
  • Ford Motors introduces the "Mustang"

    Ford Motors introduces the "Mustang"
    Ford Motors introduces the first mustang car and would start selling it in 1965 and 1964.
  • cuban missile crisis

    cuban missile crisis
    The Cuban missile crisis was a 13 day conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union over missile deployment in Cuba.
  • The march on Washington

     The march on Washington
    The march on Washington was a march to gain jobs and freedom for African Americans. It was also the larfest political rally for human rights in the United States history.
  • The Beatles appear on Ed Sullivan for the first time

    The Beatles appear on Ed Sullivan for the first time
    This was the first American television appearance live for the Beatles. And it was the final time that the Beatles appeared live.
  • The Gulf of Tonkin incident

    The Gulf of Tonkin incident
    The Gulf of Tonkin incident was a incident that involed North Bietnam and the UNited States in the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin. Which had the American report blaming North Vietnam for both incidents.
  • Martin Luther King jr awarded nobel peace prize

    Martin Luther King jr awarded nobel peace prize
    Martin Luther King jr was awarded a nobel peace prize for his nonviolent resistance to racial prejudice in America. He was also the youngest person ever to receive this award.
  • Communist China announces they have created the H Bomb

    Communist China announces they have created the H Bomb
    On this day China successfully exploded its first hydrogen bomb in western China. And due to this it was a breakthrough in China's nuclear development and indicated China's nuclear technology has entered a new era.