

  • Helicopters

    Helicopters were a major transporter during the Vietnam war they were developed during the Korean war but were not used much if at all. so with this new tech it is like a new toy for America and they could not wait to use it.
  • Napalm

    Napalm is a sticky subbstance that can easaly catch fire. It was mainly used for bombing raids in Vietnam. The U.S. again wanted to use there new toy.
  • Draft Dogers

    Draft dogers were well people that doged the draft. The draft is an event were random people are called to enter the milatary. Once men in America turn 18 they must sign up for the draft. some peole protested by burning the cards others gave excuses and/or fled to canada or mexico
  • Period: to

    The Vietnam Era

  • Hippies

    The Hippies didn't like ther parents life style. They wanted to not be bound to the common life. They wanted to get there freedom and keep it. One way they did this was by free love.
  • Freelove

    Free love was the thought of having sexal intercourse before or without marriage at all and it was the first real name for it. yes people still had sexual actions before marriage before the hippie era but now it was a major thing
  • Wepons

    The communist wepon was much better for its time they had the AK-47 an idiot proof wepon. America had the m16 which was pretty much crap back then. You had to be very very very carful with that wepon. Now it is one of the go to wepons in America.
  • The Tonkin Gulf incident

    The Tonkin gulf incident was where the U.S.S. Maddox was in international waters (Waters were ships can go freely) listening to Vietnam broadcasts and were fired upon by two speed boats so they returned fire and sunk one of the ships.
  • The Tonkin Gulf Resolution

    This was to allow the U.S to enter Vietnam since they attacked there ships. So the U.S wanted to invade Vietnam so they could stop the spread of communism. This was what they were asking for any exuse just one so they could invade and they got just what they wanted.
  • Agent Orange

    Agent Orange
    Agent orange was origanaly design to kill trees and forests. The sad part is it killed more then just the forests. What was not known was that agent orange lingers. many chlidren had deformities.
  • The la Drang Battle

    la Drang Valley was an ambush on U.S. troops by the VietCong. Based on reaserch it was not a popular battle but 834 VietCongs were killed and 150 troops were killed.
  • The Battle of Khe Sanh

    This was a massive battle when the VietCong bombed U.S. Marines. It took 77 days for the Marines to fight off the VietCong. The VietCong destroyed 90% of Artilery and motor rounds.
  • The Tet offensive

    The Tet offensive
    The attack was by the VietCongs and the attacks were succesful exept for one tiny flaw that hurt the VietCong. The attacks were used to take over American bases. That was the flaw now America knew were they were. The VietCong ended up losing 32,000 people and 5,800 had been captured. the U.S and south lost a total of 8,849
  • The Battle of Hue City

    This battle was fought during The Tet Offensive. This was a house to house fight. Before Tet Hundeds of VietCong were already in the city. The battle took tewnty-six days for the VietCong to win. It was later recaptured by The U.S.
  • My Lia massacare

    My Lia massacare
    The My Lia massacre was a horride event during the Vietnam war. the massacre was by us soilders and they killed over 500 people most being innocents. they didn't just kill men no no no they killed men,women,elders, and childeren. It was the actions of a helicopter scout by the name of Warrent Officer Hugh Thompson who recived death threats saying if he ever came home he would be killed.Him and two of his crew recvied metals 30 years later. many soilders were treated roughly because of this
  • Hamburger Hill

    Hamburger hill was a ten day battle for a hill top. There were almost 100 dead Americans. over 400 were wounded.
  • Woodstock

    Woodstock was a threeday music festival of peace and music. The main things there were sex,drugs,and music. it was located on a dairy farm. There was about 500,00 people that showed up
  • Anti-Vietnam war demonstration

    This was the largest war protest in America. it was held in washington this was because of Nixons promise to imeadyently pull out all of the troops it took ten months and the people started to get mad so they began to protest this drew Hundreds of thousand of people
  • Kent State Massacare

    Kent State Massacare
    The Kent State massacare was a peaceful protest were the Ohio National Guard were ordered to stop it from spreading. Paniced the soilders fired in to the crowd killing two protesters and two bystanders also injuring 9 others. This is were the song Ohio came from one of the versus being four dead in Ohio