1960's and public protests

  • Brown v.s Education

    5 cases into 1 end segregation in schools
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat
  • Vietnam war starts

    The war starts
  • Black Pastors meet

    Sixty black pastors meet to discuss there situaton
  • Little Rock Nine

    Nine students were stopped from integrating into little rock's highschool
  • Ruby Bridges

    Escorted by 4 armed federal marshals to be the first one integrated into William Frantz elementary school.
  • Universality of Alabama

    A governor wouldn't let black kids into school. It lasted a while unto JFK sent the national guard
  • John F. Kennedy death

    The president was shot
  • Martin Luther King jr.'s death

    He was assassinated on the balcony of his room
  • Vietnam war ends

    The war final ends