Free vector the 60s 041296 the 60s


By alex215
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    The United States Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to land on the moon.
  • SNCC Formed

    SNCC Formed
    The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee or SNCC was an organization that organized peaceful protests such as sit ins against segregation.
  • First Televised Presidential Debate

    First Televised Presidential Debate
    Not only was this the first televised debate, but this was the first debate held between nominees of the two major parties.
  • First Episode of the Flintstones

    First Episode of the Flintstones
    The children's show featuring a stone age family and their daily life became a huge hit and also promoted smoking to children through animated commercials of the characters smoking in between episodes...
  • JFK Elected President

    JFK Elected President
    John F Kennedy is elected as the 35th President of the United States.
  • Russia Sends First Man Into Space

    Russia Sends First Man Into Space
    Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin becomes the first person in space and puts Russia ahead in the "Race for Space".
  • Berlin Wall Constructed

    Berlin Wall Constructed
    Constructed by East Germany to separate East and West Berlin.
  • Yankee Roger Maris Breaks Babe Ruth's Single Season Home Run Streak

    Yankee Roger Maris Breaks Babe Ruth's Single Season Home Run Streak
    Roger Maris becomes first major league player to hit over 60 home runs in a season.
  • SDS Releases its Port Huron Statement

    SDS Releases its Port Huron Statement
    The Port Huron Statement was a political manifesto of the North American student activist movement Students for a Democratic Society or (SDS).
  • Marilyn Monroe Dies

    Marilyn Monroe Dies
    Marilyn Monroe dies of a Barbiturate overdose. She was prescribed the drug to treat her depression and her death has been ruled as most likely suicide.
  • James Meredith Registers at Ole Miss

    James Meredith Registers at Ole Miss
    As James Meredith was black and Ole Miss was an all white college this caused chaos to ensue and riots. This left two dead and hundreds wounded.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    A 13 day stand off between the United States and Soviet Union over the placement of soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba.
  • "Dr. No" First James Bond Movie Premiers

    "Dr. No" First James Bond Movie Premiers
    This first movie in the cult classic saga following the adventures of Agent 007 or James Bond.
  • JFK Assasinated

    JFK Assasinated
    While campaigning in Texas John F Kennedy was fatally shot in the neck by Lee Harvey Oswald. JFK was on his way to Dallas in a convertible with his wife Jackie, and the Governor who was also shot in the chest.
  • I Have a Dream Speech

    I Have a Dream Speech
    Martin Luther King Delivered this speech at the march on Washington, for jobs and freedoms.
  • Beatles Arrive in US

    Beatles Arrive in US
    This would be the start of their immense success in the United States.
  • The Beatles Appear on Ed Sullivan

    The Beatles Appear on Ed Sullivan
    This would create a huge teenage following and expose the band to the whole country.
  • New York Wold's Fair Begins

    New York Wold's Fair Begins
    This showcase of international achievement brought joy and excitement despite the fact that the country still mourned for JFK.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Incident

    Gulf of Tonkin Incident
    An international confrontation that led to the United States engaging more directly in the Vietnam War
  • LBJ Defeats Barry Goldwater

    LBJ Defeats Barry Goldwater
    Linden B Johnson becomes the 36th president of the United States.
  • Malcolm X Assasinated

    Malcolm X Assasinated
    Civil rights activist and leader Malcolm X is assassinated by Thomas Hagan.
  • Watts Riots

    Watts Riots
    After the incarceration of Marquette Frye due to suspected intoxication while driving, riots broke out in Watts, California. This led to several days of looting and destruction of property.
  • "Star Trek" TV Show Airs

    "Star Trek" TV Show Airs
    The cult classic Star Trek premiers.
  • Summer of Love

    Summer of Love
    A cultural shift creating the hippie style of dress and attitude originating in San Francisco.
  • First Super Bowl

    First Super Bowl
    In the first NFL championship featuring the Green Bay Packers and the Kansas City Chiefs, the Green Bay Packers emerged as the first team to ever win a Superbowl.
  • Muhammad Ali Refuses Military Service

    Muhammad Ali Refuses Military Service
    Boxing legend Muhammad Ali Refuses Military service for religious reasons and is stripped of his heavy weight title.
  • Beatles Release Sgt. Pepper's Album

    Beatles Release Sgt. Pepper's Album
    The band´s 8th album and the soundtrack to the ¨summer of love¨.
  • Thurgood Marshall Nominated to the Supreme Court

    Thurgood Marshall Nominated to the Supreme Court
    Thurgood Marshall becomes the 96th supreme court justice and the first black justice in the history of the supreme court.
  • Monterrey Music Festival

    Monterrey Music Festival
    Three day concert held at Monterrey County Fairgrounds in Monterrey California.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    One of the Largest military offences in the Vietnam war.
  • MLK Assasinated

    MLK Assasinated
    Civil Rights leader and preacher Martin Luther King is shot and killed on a balcony at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis Tennessee.
  • RFK Assasinated

    RFK Assasinated
    Robert F Kennedy is shot dead after giving a speech in Los Angeles California .
  • Protests at 1968 DNC

    Protests at 1968 DNC
    Anti war democrats felt betrayed and ignored as their candidate was pushed to the side in favor of another.
  • LSD Declared Illegal by US Government

    LSD Declared Illegal by US Government
    The US bans LSD in all uses.
  • Richard Nixon Elected President

    Richard Nixon Elected President
    Richard Nixon becomes the 46th president of the United States.
  • Stonewall Riots

    Stonewall Riots
    A variety of violent and spontaneous demonstrations from gay attendees at the stonewall inn as a result of a police raid. This would be a major event in the gay rights movement and pushed the movement forward.
  • Woodstock

    A music festival held at a mans farm at which 3 people died and 2 were born.
  • Manson Family Murders Sharon Tate

    Manson Family Murders Sharon Tate
    The Manson family comprised mainly of young women under the orders of their leader Charles Manson murder Sharon Tate and her unborn child as well as everyone else in the house.
  • The Rolling Stones Host the Altamont Music Festival

    The Rolling Stones Host the Altamont Music Festival
    A music festival known for its violence and a death by stabbing.