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1958-1980 Space Exploration

  • 1959- First photograph of Earth from orbit taken by NASA

  • 1961- First human spaceflight, man was Yuri Gagarin

    1961- First human spaceflight, man was Yuri Gagarin
  • 1969-Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed the first two humans on the Moon named Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin

    1969-Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed the first two humans on the Moon named Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
  • 1976- First Surface Images of Mars by Viking 1 (first U.S. spacecraft to successfully land a on another planet)

    1976- First Surface Images of Mars by Viking 1 (first U.S. spacecraft to successfully land a on another planet)
  • 1979- Voyager 1 Arrives at Jupiter and Voyager 2. Thy took pictures of the planet and it’s moons