

  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks was arrested after refusing to give her spot to a white man on a public bus, which instigated the start of a long journey towards freedom.
  • Baby Boom Peak

    4.3 billion babies were born in this year, marking the peak of the post-war "baby boom"
  • NASA

    NASA space program was founded
  • Kennedy elected

    JFK was elected as the 35th president of the United States
  • Bay of Pigs

    The bay of pigs invasion in Cuba takes place.
  • First African American to attend the University of Mississippi

    James Meredith became the first african american to attend the University of Mississippi, which was a highly segregated southern school at the time.
  • Kennedy is assassinated

    John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, TX.
  • Martin Luther King Jr Assassinated

    Martin Luther King Jr is assassinated