
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam  War
    The Vietnam War involved the communist government with the North and South Vietnam. There was a dispute between the United states and the Soviet.
  • The Sixties

    The Sixties
  • John F. Kennedy was iInaugurated President

    John F. Kennedy was iInaugurated President
  • The First Satellite Television was Invented

    The First Satellite Television was Invented
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis was between the United States and Soviet Union. It was a 13 day political and military stalemate. Oct 16, 1962 – Oct 28, 1962
  • Lyndon B. Johnson Inaugurated President

    Lyndon B. Johnson Inaugurated President
    He served as president for 2 terms.
  • The Assassination of JFK

    John F. Kennedy was assassinated in a motorcade while ridding in a car.
  • The Assassination of JFK

    John F. Kennedy was assassinated in a motorcade while ridding in a car.
  • The End of the Civil Rights Protest

    The End of the Civil Rights Protest
    The Civil Rights Movement was the issue of racial discrimination and segregation. The Civil Rights Protests were protests for African Americans to gain equal rights.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. was Assassinated

    Martin Luther King Jr. was Assassinated
    Martin Luther King Jr. was Assassinated at age 39.
  • Richard Nixon was Inaugurated President.

    Richard Nixon was Inaugurated President.
  • The First Man Landed on the Moon

    The First Man Landed on the Moon
    Apollo 11 was the first space craft that landed on the moon.
    Neil Armstrong was the first man that landed on the
  • Apollo 13

    Apollo 13
    There was an aircraft that set for the moon but had to turn around because of an oxygen leak. Apr 11, 1970 – Apr 17, 1970
  • Gerald Ford Inaugurated President

    Gerald Ford Inaugurated President
  • The End of the Vietnam War

    The End of the Vietnam War
    The End of the Vietnam War resulted in the communist forces taking South Vietnam and this resulted in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
  • The VCR was invented

    The VCR was invented
    Sony invented the first VCR.
  • Space Shuttle Challenger

    Space Shuttle Challenger
    The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster killed seven crew members on January 28, 1986. There was one teacher, five NASA Astronauts and the second African American in Space.