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    The Cold War

    The Cold War was a time on intense rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union. During this time period their would several anti-communist actions, international incidents and both countries being on the brink of nuclear war. The Cold War would last until the 1990 when the Soviet Union would eventually dissolve.
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    Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War officially began June 1st, 1954 with the Saigon Military Mission and paramilitary actions in south Vietnam lead by America. American and south Vietnamese forces would work together to fight against communist north Vietnam until the fall of Saigon in April of 1975.
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    Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Sparked by Rosa Park's refusal to give up her seat, the Montgomery Bus Boycott was a civil rights protest against segregated seating. The Bus Boycott would eventually come to a successful end after the Supreme Court held up its decision in the Browder v Gayle case that segregated bus travel is unconstitutional
  • Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat
    In Montgomery, Alabama Rosa Parks, an African-American, violated segregation laws by refusing to give her seat up to a white person.
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower is inaugurated

    Dwight D. Eisenhower is inaugurated
    Dwight D. Eisenhower is inaugurated for his second term as President of the United States
  • Sputnik

    The Soviet Union launched Sputnik the very first satellite to orbit earth into space. This also heighten tension of the Cold War because space technology was associated with weapon potential
  • NASA

    The National Aeronautical and Space Administration is created
  • First TV debate

    First TV debate
    During the presidential election candidates John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon have the very first televised debate
  • John F. Kennedy is inaugurated

    John F. Kennedy is inaugurated
    John F. Kennedy is inaugurated becoming the 35th President of the United States
  • First man in space

    First man in space
    The Soviet Union continued to push their place in the space race by launching Yuri Gagarin into space. His capsule completed one complete orbit of the Earth.
  • First American in Space

    First American in Space
    Alan Shepard becomes the first American in space. He completed a 15 suborbital flight.
  • The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall
    Construction of the Berlin Wall separating east and west Germany begins
  • James Meredith desegregates the University of Mississippi

    James Meredith desegregates the University of Mississippi
    At the order of the Supreme Court the University of Mississippi admits James Meredith. Meredith's admission into school officially desegregates the University of Mississippi
  • Missile bases discovered in Cuba.

    Missile bases discovered in Cuba.
    An American spy plane discovers missile bases being built by the Soviet Union in Cuba
  • Cuban Missile Crisis begins

    Cuban Missile Crisis begins
    President Johnson is informed about the presence of Soviet missile in Cuba thus beginning the Cuban Missile Crisis. As a result, President Kennedy orders a blockade of Cuba to prevent the Soviets from getting any more weapons to Cuba. Since blockades are considered an act of war though it was called a quarantine.
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    Cuban Missile Crisis

    Sparked after discovering Soviets building nuclear missile bases in Cuba, President Kennedy called for a "quarantine" around Cuba. As Soviet ships approach on the 24th tensions were high. However, after seeing the "quarantine" the ships turned around. Another U.S. spy plane was shot down over Cuba increase tension more. Communication between the Soviet Union and U.S. were opened on the 26th. The two were able to come to an agreement about the removal of weapons on the 28th.
  • JFK's "Ich bine ein Berliner"

    JFK's "Ich bine ein Berliner"
    While giving a speech in Germany President Kennedy stated "ich bine ein Berliner". He meant to say 'I am a Berliner' as a way to encourage hope. However, he missed pronounced words and instead said 'I am jelly donut'
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    The March on Washington was done in attempt to secure civil and economic rights for African-Americans. It is here where civil rights leader Martian Luther King Jr. gave his famous 'I Have A Dream' speech
  • John F. Kennedy is assassinated

    John F. Kennedy is assassinated
    While visiting Dallas,Texas President Kennedy was shot in his car, by Lee Harvey Oswald
  • Lyndon B. Johnson is sworn in

    Lyndon B. Johnson is sworn in
    After the assassination of President Kennedy, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson is sworn in becoming the 36th President of the United Sates
  • The Beatles

    The Beatles
    The Beatles arrive in New York City of their very first U.S. tour
  • Gulf of Tonkin

    Gulf of Tonkin
    After reports of north Vietnamese torpedo attacks on U.S. destroyers Maddox and Turner Joy President Johnson submits the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Congress passes the resolution authorizing the president to take military action in Vietnam.
  • Lyndon B. Johnson is inaugurated

    Lyndon B. Johnson is inaugurated
    After winning the election, President Johnson is inaugurated starting his first full term as President of the United States
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    The Voting Rights Act of 1965 prohibit racial discrimination in voting
  • Cuban Missile Crisis ends

    Cuban Missile Crisis ends
    The Soviet Union and United States are able to come to an agreement ending the Cuban Missile Crisis. In return for removing the missiles in Cuba the United States agree not to invade Cuba, and also secretly remove missiles from Turkey. The blockade is lifted a month later.
  • Black Panthers

    Black Panthers
    The Black Panthers are founded by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale in Oakland, California.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Known as the Tet Offensive because if took place on the Vietnamese Lunar New Year of Tet. The north Vietnamese troops attacked the south Vietnamese and American forces. Attacking both major and capital cities all over. While the south Vietnamese and American force were eventually able to fight off most of the offenses, the Tet offensive lowered people's confidence and approval of President Johnson.
  • Martian Luther King Jr. is assassianted

    Martian Luther King Jr. is assassianted
    Martian Luther King Jr. is assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee
  • Paris peace talks begin

    Paris peace talks begin
    The United States and the north Vietnamese begin talks of peace in Paris. Thought the war would not end for another seven years with the fall of Saigon.
  • Richard Nixon is inaugurated

    Richard Nixon is inaugurated
    Richard Nixon is inaugurated becoming the 37th President on the United States
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    America takes lead in the space race by landing the first man, Neil Armstrong, on the moon
  • The Nixon Doctrine

    The Nixon Doctrine
    The Nixon Doctrine refers to President Nixon's desire to withdraw troops from southeast Asia and that all individual nations will take more responsibility for their security.
  • EPA created

    EPA created
    President Nixon created a plan to recognize federal environment agencies. As a result, the Environmental Protection Agency is created
  • USPS

    The Postal Reorganization Act is signed establishing the independent United States Postal Service.
  • Pentagon Papers

    Pentagon Papers
    The New York Times secret documents that detail Americas involvement in the Vietnam War
  • Watergate break in

    Watergate break in
    Six men were arrested for breaking in to the offices of the Democratic National Committee
  • Halting Watergate investigation

    Halting Watergate investigation
    President Nixon attempted to halt the Watergate investigation by ordering the Chief of State to tell the F.B.I. not to investigate further because his actions were justified on grounds of national secruity
  • Denies involvement

    Denies involvement
    President Nixon denies that any White House staff was involved in the Watergate break-in.
  • Richard Nixon is inaugurated

    Richard Nixon is inaugurated
    President Nixon is inaugurated for a second time starting his second terms as President of the United States
  • Paris Peace Accords

    Paris Peace Accords
    Representatives for north and south Vietnam and North America conclude the peace talks. The agreement is that U.S troops will be pulled out within 60 days and the the 17th parallel dividing line will remain in place until the country can peacefully come back together.
  • Responsibility of Watergate

    Responsibility of Watergate
    President Nixon admits responsibility for the Watergate incident but continues to state that he had no prior knowlegde.
  • Refusing the tapes

    Refusing the tapes
    While president recording devices were set up in various locations, including the White House and Camp David. With these tapes President Nixon recorded conversations that were held in office. The existence of the tapes was discovered because of a testimony given by a White House aide. The tapes were then subpoena and Nixon refused to hand them over stating executive privilege.
  • Gerald Ford becomes Vice President

    Gerald Ford becomes Vice President
    President Nixon's Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned on October 10th, 1976. Gerald Ford accepts the Vice Presidency the next day and is then sworn in in December
  • United States v Nixon

    United States v Nixon
    After failing to comply with the subpoena the U.S. Supreme Court ruled the President Nixon had to turn over 64 tapes. In their decisions the Supreme Court stated that executive privilege is limited to areas of national security and diplomatic affairs. The tapes reveled that President Nixon had participated in the Watergate break in days after in occurred.
  • Impeachment

    Days after turning over the tapes three articles of impeachment are brought up against President Nixon by the House Judiciary Committee on obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and unconstitutional defiance of it subpoenas. The vote passed and would then go onto the House of Representatives and Senate.
  • President Nixon resigns

    President Nixon resigns
    A month after House Judiciary Committee voted to impeach him Nixon resigned before a House of Representatives impeachment and Senate trial. Nixon becomes the first and only president to ever resign during his presidency.
  • Gerald Ford inaugurated

    Gerald Ford inaugurated
    After President Nixon resigned Vice President Gerald Ford is inaugurated becoming the 38th President of the United States
  • Nixon Pardoned

    Nixon Pardoned
    President Gerald Ford pardoned former president Richard Nixon.
  • Operation Frequent Wind

    Operation Frequent Wind
    On April 29th, 1975 the American Radio Service began to broadcast a prerecorded message followed by a 30 second section of the song White Christmas. This message was the signal to start the emergency evacuation of American personnel and at risk south Vietnamese citizens in Saigon. The next morning north Vietnamese troops invade south Vietnam and the city of Saigon falls. The south Vietnamese government surrenders marking the end of the Vietnam War.