1955 – 1975

  • Period: to

    Eisenhower Presidency

    He was reelected
  • Brown Vs. Board of Education

    Brown Vs. Board of Education
    The court ruled that schools for blacks must be separate but equal.
  • "The United States government agrees to train S Vietnamese troops."

  • Supreme Court orders public schools integrated quickly

    Supreme Court orders public schools integrated quickly
  • Rosa Parks stands up by sitting down

    Rosa Parks stands up by sitting down
  • Period: to

    Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Blacks boycotted buses to protest segregation on buses
  • Federal-Aid Highway Act Signed

    Federal-Aid Highway Act Signed
    Interstate Highway systems created
  • President Dwight D. Eisenhower is inaugurated for second term.

    President Dwight D. Eisenhower is inaugurated for second term.
    President Dwight D. Eisenhower is inaugurated for his second term in office.
  • National Guard called to block Little Rock 9

    National Guard called to block Little Rock 9
    "Wallace withdrew the troops on September 21 and the students were allowed entrance to class two days later. A threat of violence caused President Eisenhower to dispatch federal troops to Little Rock on September 24 to enforce the edict."
  • Explorer 1 launched

    Explorer 1 launched
    "Explorer I, the first U.S. space satellite, is launched by the Army at Cape Canaveral. It would discover the Van Allen radiation belt"
  • Restaurant Sit-ins by Blacks begin

    "Four black college students from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College in Greensboro, North Carolina stage a sit-in at a segregated Woolworth lunch counter, protesting their denial of service. This action caused a national campaign, waged by seventy-thousand students, both white and black, over the next eight months, in sit-ins across the nation for Civil Rights."
  • Tiros I, the first weather satellite, launched

    Tiros I, the first weather satellite, launched
  • First Televised Presidential Debate

    First Televised Presidential Debate
    This Debate was between Kennedy and Nixon and increased Kennedy's popularity
  • Period: to

    Kennedy's Presidency

    His Presidency ended early due to his being shot and killed
  • Launch of Bay of Pigs

    Launch of Bay of Pigs
    Failed Invasion of Cuba by the US to oust Fidel Castro and Communism out of Power
  • "James Meredith Registers at 'Ole Miss'"

    "James Meredith Registers at 'Ole Miss'"
    "On Sept 20, with the support a Supreme Court ruling, James Meredith arrives at the Univ. of Mississippi in Oxford, intending to enroll as the school's first black student. The state Governor physically blocks Meredith's progress on Sept 20, and again Sept 25. The Kennedy administration orders federal marshals to Oxford. On Sept 30, rioting kills two students, and wounds 160 marshals. The next morning, Meredith officially registers as a transfer student; he graduates in 1963. "
  • US spy plane discovers missiles on Cuba

    US spy plane discovers missiles on Cuba
  • Period: to

    Cuban Missle crisis

    This Crisis was a thirteen day period where nuclear war seemed animist because of missiles placed in Cuba, close to the US
  • "CIA analysts spot launchers, missiles and transport trucks that indicate the Soviets are building sites to launch missiles capable of striking targets nearly across the United States"

  • Kennedy decides on Quarantine

    Kennedy decides on Quarantine
    The US determines to stop and search any ship
  • Agreement Reached on Cuban Missile Crisis

    The US agrees to remove missiles from Turkey and Italy and never invade Cuba, if the USSR agrees to remove missiles from Cuba
  • "U-2 pilot Maj. Rudolf Anderson is shot down and killed over Cuba. "

  • Letter from Birmingham Jail

    MLK wrote this famous letter while in jail
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    A huge civil rights march to protest segregation and show the need for equal rights. Famous, I have a dream speech, given here
  • Kennedy shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald

    Kennedy shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald
  • Period: to

    Lyndon B. Johnson's Presidency

    He was sworn in after Kennedy was shot and was reelected in 1964
  • Ads such as Daisy ad created

    Ads such as Daisy ad created
    This significantly helped the Democrats
  • Civil Rights Act enacted

    Civil Rights Act enacted
    "Legislation outlaws discrimination on basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin."
  • Martin L. King Jr. Given Nobel Peace Prize

    Martin L. King Jr. Given Nobel Peace Prize
  • Malcom X Killed

    Malcom X Killed
    He was assassinated while giving a speech
  • Period: to

    Watts Race Riots

    "Six days of rage and riots in Los Angeles leave 34 dead and $200 million in damages."
  • Black Panther Party Created

    Black Panther Party Created
    "Bobby Seale and Huey Newton found the Black Panthers in Oakland, CA. In stark contrast to the nonviolence endorsed by civil rights activists, the militant Black Panthers approve the use of violence for defense. The Black Panthers gain notoriety for patrolling streets in black berets and jackets, heavily armed with weapons. Their doctrine of self-determination and strength initially draws thousands of converts."
  • First Super Bowl

    First Super Bowl
    "Forty million TV viewers watch the Green Bay Packers beat the Kansas City Chiefs."
  • Robert Kennedy Assainated

    Robert Kennedy Assainated
    "Senator Robert Kennedy died of gunshot wounds in Los Angeles, a day after winning the California Presidential primary."
  • Period: to

    Nixon's Presidency

    Nixon was elected, then reelected, but then resigned due to escape impeachment
  • Stonewall Riots

    Stonewall Riots
    "Judy Garland's funeral attracts gay mourners to the Stonewall Tavern in New York. A melee with police breaks out when someone resists arrest, launching the Gay Liberation Movement."
  • WoodStock begins and ends three days late

    WoodStock begins and ends three days late
    "An estimated audience of over 400,000 people gather for three days of music near Bethel, NY, swarming across the pastures of Max Yasgur's dairy farm." Free admission is provided soon after and many people flood to listen.
  • First E-mail Message

    "The first computer transmission is carried by ARPANET at 10:30 PM on October 29 from a host computer at UCLA to another host computer at Stanford."
  • "SALT I Negotiations Begin"

    "SALT I Negotiations Begin"
    "The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) begin negotiations to curb nuclear capabilities of U.S. and USSR."
  • Nixon resigns

    Nixon resigns
    Nixon resigned due to pressure and fear of impeachment
  • Gerald Ford sworn in

    Gerald Ford sworn in
    Gerald Ford takes over after Nixon resigns due to the vice-president already have resigned