1950s music

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    Buddy Holly

    Buddy Holly was born in Lubbock, TX.
    His original name was Charles Hardin Holley.
    His genre of music was a mix of Memphis country and Chicago rock.
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    Korean war

    The Korean war was a small (proxy) war with the united states, united kingdom, united nations and south Korea. They were against the communist china and the soviet union and North Korea. Most of the war happened in Korea.This war was significant because it was the first time the US and Soviet Union fought in a "proxy war". Which became a strategy later used in other wars. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zq9hg82/revision/1#:~:text=The%20Korean%20War%20was%20an,for%20example%20the%20Vietn
  • first transcontinental TV Transmitter

    This date marks the first time ever that something was broadcasted across the Nation. The first thing was on this date. President Harry truman took his opening speech before a conference. Which the speech was about a treaty to end americas post WWII occupations in japan.
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    Brown VS Board of education

    This court case took place in Topeka, Kansas. it was between Oliver brown and the Board of education.
    Brown filed a lawsuit because his daughter was not allowed to enter an all white school.
    the case was ruled unconstitutional to segregate the schools.
    This court case was significant because this lead other school in other states to do the same.
  • discovery of DNA double helix

    This was the discovery of the dna structure which is the twisted ladder shaped DNA.
    The discovery was made by watson and crik at the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge.
    This is significant because it set up modern molecule biology, which gives us a better understanding the chemical processes
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    Castro overtakes cuba

    Castro was a cuban revolutionist and politician. He played a major role in the cuban revolution. He was a communist. This was significant because he took a key role and advanced the guerilla warfare tactic. He lead the movement against batista from Sierra Maestra.
  • (northern band rock) "around the clock" by bill haley and the comets

    This is a northern band rock style song.
    Bill haley is from highland park, Michigan
    This song is significant because they were the first rock and roll band to ever sign a major label, the first song to feature in a film and in a major TV show.
  • McCarthy hearings

    The McCarthy hearings took place in Washington DC
    it was the time where Joseph McCarthy was accusing people in the US army of being communist spies.
    This was significant because it was the biggest part of the fear the american people had on communism
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    Civil Rights movement

    the civil rights movement was a movement to push for social justice and equality for black americans. It was so black americans could gain equal rights in the United States. It really happened throughout different states of the US.
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    the bus boycott was a major boycott where about 40,000 african americans started to boycott the bus system because of the injustice that happened with rosa parks.
    The boycott was somewhat led by MLK Jr.
    it occurred in Montgomery, Alabama.
  • (new orleans rock) ¨Blueberry Hill¨ - Fats domino

    This song was sang by Fats Domino,
    He is from New Orleans, Louisiana.
    This song is significant because it was on of the first songs to incorporate R&B/soul, pop, jazz, and blues characteristics in the song.
  • (Vocal rock) “Why Do Fools Fall in Love” -Frankie Lymon and the Teenagers

    The artist who sang this song was Frankie Lymon
    they were bron in (Harlem) New york, New York.
    This song was significant because they paved the path for upcoming young and black singers to become popular.
  • launching of the sputnik

    The sputnik was the first ever satelite sent into the earths orbit by the soviet Union. This happened during the beginning "space race between the United states and the soviet union. It is significant because this was the first successful human made object to launch into space. https://www.rmg.co.uk/stories/topics/space-race-timeline
  • the emergence of little rock 9

    this was when nine african american students at a central highschool located in little rock, Arkansas marched through their school and the national gaurd provented them entrance and they were forced to go back home
    this was significant because these were one of the first step up and help the movement to desegregate schools.
  • (memphis country rock) "Jailhouse rock"

    This song was made by Elvis presley.
    He was born in Tupelo, Mississippi.
    This song is significant because it was his fifth biggest chart single, and it was so big because of the people he worked with (Jerry Leiber, and Mike Stoller)
  • (Chicago Rock) "Johnny B Goode" Chuck berry

    The artist who sang this song is Chuck berry.
    He is from McComb, Missouri.
    this song was significant because it tells his story about his rise from being a normal, humble person to becoming famous.
  • The day the music died

    this day was a time for music as a whole because of the following: .Elvis Presley was drafted to the army
    .Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old cousin
    .Chuck berry was arrested for transporting a minor over state lines for immoral ¨ purposes
    .buddy holly, Ritchie Valens, “The Big Bopper” J. P. Richardson, and Roger Peterson died in a plane crash
    .Little richard entered the ministry