Imgres 1

Dangerous World Timeline

  • Period: to


    <a href='' /tp/1950timeline.htm
    andâ69) *dates filed under september 1 are usually school dates date and month are mostly inaccurate.
  • First Modern Credit Card is Invented

    First Modern Credit Card is Invented
    The first modern credit card is created by Frank X. McNarma with two colleges. Afterfrank started a buisness called the diner club, the first cards were accepted by 14 resteraunts and used by about 200 people.
  • H-Bombs Are Allowed to be Created

    H-Bombs Are Allowed to be Created
    Video The H-bomb is a thermo-nucular device, much stronger than nucular devices used during the war with Japan. It was mass produced during the Cold War. On January 31st the desicion was made to allow the device to be created, and on November 1st of 1952, the first one was tested.
  • Michael Reedy is born

  • Period: to

    Korean War

    taking over 3 years the Korean War was fought. After Korea was given up by Japan shortly after World War 2, it was divided by Allied Powers into 2 parts along the 38th parellel. After givin the freedom the two halves held elections with north korea gaining a communist leader and goverment, and south Korea having a democratic leader and government. Both nations wanted the same goal; to unite korea under their own goverment.
  • Electric Power is Electricity is Produced From the First Atomic Power Reactor in Arcon, Idaho.

    Electric Power is Electricity is Produced From the First Atomic Power Reactor in Arcon, Idaho.
    Video Early in 1951 the experimental breeder reactor had been built. Designed to work on nucular physics it powered enough energy for the whole facility to use. On December 20th the first usable energy was harvested from the reactor, and powered four 200 watt lightbulbs.
  • micheal Reedy goes to kindergarden

  • Russia Launches First Artificial Sattlelite

    Russia Launches First Artificial Sattlelite
    Being the first artificial sattlelite from Earth it was launched on October 4th, 1957. The sattelite was designed to recoard information on the ionsphere and send them back to Earth. It burned up while re-entering Earth's atmosphere on January 4th, 1958
  • Alaska Becomes The 49th State

    Alaska Becomes The 49th State
    Old film (no sound) The seperated state of alaska is admitted to the union. Alaska had been colonized by russia in 1784, and was soon open to the Brittish and Americans. Before it became a state, it prepared a constitution trying to prove it was ready to enter the Union.
  • East Germany Starts Construction of the Berlin Wall

    East Germany Starts Construction of the Berlin Wall
    Documentry Through the 1950s and up to the 60's people in east germany typicaly crossed over to west germany to see family and escape the communist power of the U.S.S.R. to stop the in flux of people, the East German goverment started sealing of points of access where east and west berlin met with barbed wire and watch towers. soon a wall was built to prevent any intrusions past the wire and watch towers.
  • JFK Assasaination

    JFK Assasaination
    Zapruder Film At 12:29 p.m., President John F. Kennedy's motorcade enters Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas. On Elm street a supposed 3 shots were fired. Kennedy was hit in the upper chest and through the neck. Other than Kennedy, governer connaly was also shot causing damge to his right lung.
  • Micheal Reedy goes to highscool

  • Micheal Reedy goes to collage

  • Micheal Reedy gets his first primary job

    unknown date
  • 1972 Olimpic Village Massacure

    1972 Olimpic Village Massacure
    Documentry Video On September 5th, eight members of the Black September terror group entered the olimpic village and attacked the Israeli national team killing two atheletes and taking the other nine hostage. Eventually trying to rescue the nine athletes, a mission was launched to save them. This lead to a gunfight killing 5 terrorist and bringing 3 to custody. However, during the gunfight all nine hostages were killed.
  • Bill Gates And Paul Allen Found Microsoft

    Bill Gates And Paul Allen Found Microsoft
    Article On April 4th, 1975 Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Mirosoft to sell and develop BASIC (Beginers All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) interpeturs for the Altair 8800 mini computer. The system would soon dominate the personal computer market in the 1980's.
  • Micheal Reedy gets married with Beth Mary reedy.