
By bielc
  • EU founding act

    EU founding act
    The Single European Act brought amendments to the Treaties establishing the European Communities and established European political cooperation.
  • Coal and steel

    Coal and steel
    After second World War, coal and steel were fundamental to repair the damage.
  • ECSC

    ECSC (European comunity of steal and coal). It's a mision that has as an objective that these two sectors (coal and steel) and the production regions modernize
  • Robert Schuman speech

    Robert Schuman speech
    Its intention is to create an organization open to the participation of other European countries so that the enemies of yesterday are the builders of tomorrow
  • CEE

    ECSC it's converted in EEC (European economic community). The creation of this community is glorious and causes growth for thirty years in Europe
  • European comission

    To pilot the workforce the European commission is founded and evolves the relationship between countries and trade
  • Baby boom

    Due to economic growth, the population grew and many children were born. This caused them to have no way to feed so many children