U.S. Declared richest country in world
U.S. declared richest country in the world. Postwar period the United states consolidated this position. -
Workers found their own lives changing as industrial america changed. -
Post World War II
Post world war II america waited expectantly for the United States to suffer a postwar economic collapse. The recession came in the third quater of 1948 -
Women Working
Women began to work, supporting their families and building careers for themselves. -
1950`s unemployment and inflation remained low from the recession. -
Government spending
Increased government spending. The most critical economic problem of late 1953 was a sluggish economy -
White-Collar_ jobs
A majority of america held white-collar jobs , working as corporate managers, salespersons, and office empolyees. -
Firm Grants
Many firms granted and guaranteed annual wage, long term employmentcontracts and many toher benefits. -
farmers faced hard times, Gains in productivety led to consolidation, as farming became a big business. Family farms in turn found it harder to compete and more families left town. -
Low economy
The economy turned sharplu=y downward in the summer of 1957 and reached its low point in the spring of 1958 -
The total number of empoyed americans increased by 18% -
Economic growth.
gradual growth led to the U.S. being at peak economic strength in te early 1960s